City of Stars

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I apologize for not having a chapter in a while and  that this one is probably the shortest they've ever been. I actually got a date thats been kinda pre-occupying my time haha :) 

But uh... yeah! Enjoy this super short chapter (I promise the next one will be longer lol)


Usagi was really something else, Leo thought. Leo constantly checked on Usagi throughout each day. Sometimes it was for physical aid, and sometimes it was mental aid. Leo's favorite times were the moments that he and Usagi just talked, just about life, about worries and fears, joys and excitements.

Everything about Usagi was wonderful, his eyes, his little secret smile that felt like only Leo owned, the way Usagi lowered his voice to a hush so it felt like the words he spoke were sacred and only meant for Leo's ears. Leo felt like he could be himself with Usagi, his kooky, odd, laughable self.

But last night, it all changed.


"Leo!" Usagi said, waving at Leo once he entered the room. Usagi had gotten his strength up since the first night he stayed in the sewers medical-room so he was sitting upright watching a movie on Leo's phone.

"Usagi! What're you watching?" Leo said, smiling wide and hopping over to Usagi's bedside. Lately, instead of sitting on a chair next to Usagi's bed, Leo had been sitting on the corner of the bed frame, dangling his legs off the side.

"Come see!" Usagi laughed. Usagi lifted the covers and scootched over so Leo could slip under the covers and sit next to him. This had happened once before, only a couple days ago. Leo wasn't going to lie, it felt really good to just sit with Usagi and relax. So he did just so.

"Is that... is that La La Land?" Leo asked, chuckling.

"Yep!" Usagi smirked. A little crevasse formed on his cheeks and the scar that was left from the Kraken was lost in the warmth radiating from Usagi's face.

City of Stars...

Are you shining just for me?

City of Stars...

"There's so much that I can't see..." Usagi whisper-hums.

"Who knows?" Leo begins humming, his voice coming out much lower than he anticipated. "I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you."

Usagi leans his head on Leo and finishes, "That now, our dreams... they've finally come true."

The moment felt so pure to Leo, Usagi's head on his shoulder, their hands mere centimeters away.

Meanwhile, on Usagi's end his heart was racing and his head was swirling.

Usagi sucked in a tight breath and paused the movie.

"Leo..." Usagi says, straightening his back and looking Leo in the eye.

"I think... I think I may have foolishly fallen in love with you."

Leo's whole world stopped. His ears felt like they were ringing and he couldn't think, he could only act. And he did.

Rapidly reaching forward Leo planted a messy kiss on Usagis cheek.

"Usagi, I've loved you since the second I met you."

The two sat and stared into eachothers eyes, only centimeters away, both scared but both overflowing with emotion.

Usagi finally reached forward and closed the gap, and he swore he could hear angels sing. Both Usagi and Leo didn't want to part so they just kept reuniting their lips over and over again, finding a rhythm with each other.

Everything was perfect, life was perfect.

Well. It was.

"Hey Leo dinners read-AH!" Mikey squeals walking in on Leo and Usagi passionately kissing each other.

"I- uh- I-" Leo's heart stopped and dread washed over him. He wasn't ready for his family to know of his newfound relationship, and especially not RAPH. However, now that Mikey knew, it was only a matter of time. 

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