It's Alright

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Sorry it took me forever, I've been much busier then I expected to be this past week. Enjoy :) 


 Startled, Leo jumped back. Usagi got a big grin on his face that screamed "Hah! Caught!"

"You're alright!" Leo happily whispers as to not hurt Usagi's ears.

"I'm alright!" Usagi whisper-chuckled. Usagi lifted his head, it hurt really bad, but he needed to know where in the world he was. Usagi hummed, and laid his head back on the pillow. His eyes slowly snapped back to Leo's. This is the first time Usagi truly looked at Leo after spotting him behind his brothers at Run of the Mill Pizza. It's those red stripes, the ones peeking out from behind his blue mask. Those stripes were so blunt and profound, it made Usagi blush and he didn't know why.

Giving a light cough to break their tension, Usagi asked, "So... where am I?"

"Oh! Sorry, I guess I probably should've told you that first..." Leo began, "you're currently in the sewers under New York City, my home."

"Your home?" Usagi asks, giving a cheeky smile. The sewer seems like such a ridiculous place to live, but the more Usagi thought about it, the more convenient it seemed to become.

Giving an awkward laugh Leo confirms, "Yeah..."

"I feel bad not knowing your name..." Usagi admits.

"It's Leo," He smiles.

"Nice to meet you Leo, my name is Usagi."

"I know."

There was a long silence. It wasn't the awkward kind, not from Usagi's point of view, anyway. Usagi kept trying to remember what happened, but then he remembered seeing Big Mama's scowling face right before he blacked out. There was so much rage found in her expression, but Usagi remembers seeing a hint of surprise and confusion as well. Why on Earth would Big Mama ever be surprised or confused?

"W-what happened, after I blacked out?" Usagi questioned in a hushed tone.

Leo's face dusted with a light pink as he moved his expression to the wall behind Usagi. Leo sighed, closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes back up he locked them once more with Usagi's.

"I portaled my way into the fight, saved you, and brought you back here."

Usagi could tell that Leo wasn't really interested in giving the full-detailed story, so instead Usagi just nodded. There was another moment of silence before Leo gave a quiet little smirk, a smirk that felt like it belonged to just Usagi. I barely know this guy, so why the heck does my face feel so warm!??

"I think you should go back to resting, trust me. I know you feel some slight pain now, but not nearly as much as you're going to feel once the painkillers wear off..." Leo whispers, pulling the disheveled blanket up to Usagi's shoulders and crawling back into his sleeping bag.

"Thank you for saving my life Leo, and goodnight."

"Goodnight, Usagi."


Leo woke up at 6:30am more energized than he's ever been before. Maybe it was because he still had the feeling on his tongue of telling Usagi "goodnight", or maybe it was the fact that Leo woke up and looked up at Usagi to see a smirk resting on his perfect sleeping face. This all felt like it was going so fast, and yet it didn't seem to be going fast enough.

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