Chapter - 13

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[P.s. - This is a double update. Read previous chapter if you haven't.]

Thailand :

2:00 A.M.


Phayu woke up from the sleep when he heard his phone ringing while Rain just mumbled in his sleep beside him. Phayu slowly moved his hand from Rain and took his phone to check on who was calling.

Phayu - What the hell Phoenix? Why are you calling this late?

Rain woke up hearing Phayu's voice and sat on the bed as he rubbed his eyes. Phayu also sat beside Rain in sleepiness.

Phai - I need your help.

Phayu - No... I am not doing anything for you and I am going back to sleep with my boyfriend. Don't you dare disturb me.

Phai - I have a proposal for you.

Phayu - And why do you think I will agree to your proposal?

Phai - Because it involves your boyfriend's happiness too.

Phayu - I can keep my boyfriend happy. I don't need your help for that.

Phai - I won't talk to you anymore. Give phone to Nong Rain.

Phayu - No

Phai - Ai Phayu, if you don't give phone to Nong then I will call Pa Pete and tell him that you are sneaked out for the race again.

Rain heard their conversation and laughed.

Phayu - Ai Shia Phai... Why do you always trick people?

Phai - Are you giving phone to Nong or shall I call Pa Pete?

Phayu - Fine... I am placing the phone on speaker.

Rain - Hello P'Phai

Phai - Nong Rain... I need a favour from you.

Rain - What is it Phi?

Phai - I want you and Phayu to come here. I know you guys didn't think about studying here. But I want you to think about it since there is some time till the admissions start.

Rain and Phayu looked at each other.

Rain - Why Phi?

Phai - I feel like Sky is missing home so much. It would be more helpful if he had more people around him. Also we all went to the same place to study till now and I want us to continue that as well.

Phayu looked at Rain again and saw his puffy eyes.

Phayu - Didn't you cry before going to sleep that you were missing Sky?

Rain - P'Phayu...

Phayu - Fine fine... We will think and let you know soon Phai.

Phai - Thank you so much.

Phayu - Now get lost and let us sleep.

Saying that Phayu ended the call. He placed his mobile on the bed side table and pulled Rain into his embrace and went back to sleep. Rain also hugged Phayu and went back to sleep.

The Next Morning :

Phayu, Rain, Vegas Pete and Kinn Porsche were at the dining table having their lunch.

Pete - What's wrong bunny? Why are you looking sad?

Porsche - I think he is missing Sky. He was always with Sky, Phoenix and Venice since childhood. He was ready to stay away from Tharn and Type but not ready to stay away from Sky and Venice.

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