🐧First Wound🐧

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Your Pov

"Y/N watch out!" I turned around and I got stabbed in the stomach by Sehun. I fell over and Sehun was about to stab me again until other guards came and took him down but they too were stabbed to death. He forgot all about me and walked towards Mina.

"Hey baby it's me, Sehun" He said as he started to walk closer to her. I looked at Mina and I saw tears forming in her eyes. I got up as fast as I can and tackled Sehun

"Get away from her!" I got on top of him and grabbed his knife and threw it away and we started to have a fist fight. I turned to Mina

"Get inside the dressing room and call the police!" She went inside the room and went to do as she was told. As I was punching him he kicked me in the stomach. We both had to catch our breath, that's when I stood up in my fighting stance. I could see that he was getting into a familiar fighting stance.

That's Kai's fighting style! How does he know that? Little does he know, I know all the moves that he is going to pull.

He lunges forward for a jab to the stomach but I move to his left side for a rib jab. He then steps to the side for a jab to my face but I block it and kicked him in the stomach. I could tell he was getting mad...

"AHH, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" He said as he starts running towards me...

He's so off balance...

Right as he got closer, I kicked his legs to make him fall. He got up and ran again, this time I am going to end this. I got into my stance. Once he got close and stepped forward for an uppercut but then I was hit in the head with something hard because it hurt.

"Thanks man, and your right, she can fight"

"Dumbass, phase 2 isn't ready"

Wait, is that.... Kai? But h-he's dead! No! It's probably someone that sounds like him

Sehun walked towards me ready to kill me but the mysterious man stopped him...

"Sehun, not yet"

"But, she's right here in our hands, all we have to do is kill her!"

"When I tell you not yet it means not yet, got it?"

"Yes, hyung"

Sehun started to walk away but the mysterious man said to me...

"I'm sorry Y/n, but this is who I am now. You're probably disappointed in what your oppa has changed into. I just want to tell you, let Mina go and you won't have to deal with us anymore. Please, I don't want to see you hurt anymore. Goodbye Y/n" 

T-that mysterious m-man i-is Kai!..... My head is really sore

As Kai was walking away, my eyes were starting to close but then I heard Mina

"Y/n! Wake up! Don't close your eyes, j-just l-look at m-me, o-okay!" I could see that she was crying, I wish I could help her but I'm too tired "I n-need you, p-please"

Before my eyes could close, I could hear the ambulance...

"I-I'm s-sorry M-minari" Then I closed my eyes

Flashback 8 years ago (At a fighting tournament) *Y/n is 16

"Come on Y/n, get up!" Kai said

I don't know if I can, everything hurts. Whoever I'm fighting is good, but I can't quit! Get up! Get up!

"And Park Y/n has gotten up in time, let round 5 commence!" The bell dings and the 5th round has started.

"Hey, you don't have to keep going" My opponent said

"No I have to, I can't quit, not when I'm this close"

"Xiumin! Finish her! She's at your mercy!" The coach said


"What did you just say!" He got into the ring and was about to hit him, but I got in front of him to stop him. "Get out of the way, you wimp!" He punched me to the side. Xiumin went towards me to see if I was okay, then the coach said something that ticked him off

"She's such a baby, why are you helping this baby? Both of you are lose-" The coach got kicked in the face by Xiumin. I got a good look at his face and he was mad. He was jabbing the coach left and right, then the coach fell to the ground. Kai came to me and checked on me, and then Xiumin came and checked on me too...

"We need to get her to a hospital!"

A week later *Xiumin is 16 but older than Y/n by 2 months

"Okay for today's practice, we'll have someone joining us" He opened the door and Xiumin was behind it.

"Xiumin!" I ran to him and hugged him

"Hey Y/n" He said as he hugged me back

"Alrighty, we are going to win the next tournament. But first we need to work on some things, y'all ready?"

"Let's do it" Xiumin said

"Let's go!" I say

A year later  *Both Y/n and Xiumin are 17 

We are now at the championship and Kai oppa is going to choose me or Xiumin to fight.

"Ready Xiumin?"

"Actually, I want Y/n to go. I believe she'll win it for us"

"You sure?"


"Okay, Y/n your going in" I looked at Xiumin and he cups my cheeks

"I believe in you Y/n, now go win it for us" My face started to heat up and Kai was giving me that look.

"Fighters, into the ring" I got in and so did my opponent "Tonight the fight will be between Park Y/n and Zhang Lay" "Fighters to your corners

"Ready?" Kai asked me

"Yeah, I promised you that I will never lose again"

"Alright, lets see it" The bell dings to start round 1. It went pretty well, I wasn't tired. Round 2 was good but Lay was getting more active. Round 3 was okay, Lay was really aggressive.

"Hey, What's wrong" Kai asked

"I don't think I can do this"  Then Xiumin came

"Hey look at me! You can do this! Come on!" For some reason Xiumin gave me confidence. Round 4 started and I was ready to end it. I got a burst of energy and after 3 minutes, Lay was tired so I finished it with my signature uppercut and that knocked him out.

"The winner of tonight's match, Park Y/n!" They gave me the trophy and then Xiumin and Kai hugged me.

"Atta girl" Kai said as he ruffles my hair

"I knew you could do it" Xiumin said

End of Flashback

Mina's Pov

"When will she wake up, Doctor?" I asked

"In a few minutes but she will be in pain so she will fall asleep again after 10 minutes" He said

"Thank you"

"Your welcome" Then the doctor left. I sat beside Y/n and held her hand.

"I'm sorry Y/n, this happened because of me" I said as I put my head down to cry

"No, it's not" I looked up to see...

                             End of chapter 9

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