Only Bought This Dress So You Could Take It Off

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Author's note:

So this is the FASTEST fanfic that's ever burst out of me. As soon as I saw Farah in that backless dress for ep17, I knew Tahir needed to take it off. I love the idea Behnam picked out her clothes, but Farah put it on thinking of Tahir and he ends up being the one to strip her out of it. This story will stick it to Behnam in multiple ways😜 also I recommend putting on Taylor Swift Dress while listening, it also played a very important role in the inspo for this fic and I will be sprinkling the lyrics throughout the story.

I wrote and edited this myself in one day so please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar errors, thanks loves! Hope you enjoy 😉


"Our secret moments in a crowded room
They got no idea about me and you..."

Farah was fuming. She could not believe Tahir could be this infuriating. Actually no, she could believe it. This was exactly what she had been trying to prevent. She didn't want Tahir anywhere near Behnam. She knew Behnam was a powder keg of crazy and Tahir a lighted fuse of chaos. Together they would be absolute carnage. All she had wanted to do was protect Tahir and keep him safe, but no matter what she did he never gave up. Constantly walking back into the line of fire. She almost lost him once already. If he died trying to beat Behnam, she'd never forgive herself. She watched him as he schmoozed with the board members and thought back to his arrival here today.

Tahir had made his grand entrance at Behnam's press conference, butting in and stealing the show. He'd interrupted Behnam's speech, literally pushing him to the side in order to announce Tahir himself had inherited controlling shares from Ali and would now not only be Behnam's partner, he'd be his boss. Farah's neck had snapped around so fast she'd nearly gotten whiplash. Her stomach lurched as she watched the color drain from Behnam's face before he turned to glare at her like this was somehow her doing. She knew she'd pay for it later, but right now as much as she feared for Tahir's safety, deep down she was so proud of him. Not only had he stripped power from Behnam, he had also taken everything from Vera. As far as Farah was concerned, given what Vera and Ali had taken from Tahir, their empire was his birthright. She glanced to her right and caught Vera's eye. Unable to help herself she allowed herself a vindictive smile at Vera's expense before returning to watch Tahir preen for the press. She knew his golden heart wouldn't leave Vera destitute, it wasn't in him, not anymore. How she wished she had been able to tell him what they'd done to him. He deserved to know, especially now.

When she looked back at him, she found he was already looking at her. And regardless of the danger, she couldn't help the answering smile that rose up to match his. He looked so happy. Behnam crossed between them, breaking the spell and she looked down before he caught her, scolding herself for being so reckless, the very thing she should be scolding Tahir against.

Tahir had looked over to Farah as he gave his speech, smiling at her like he was the rest of the room, and when she smiled back, his eyes beheld his Farah for the first time in a year. Behnam's presence quickly reminded both of them of the reality of where they were, Tahir turned back to the audience and continued answering questions, fearlessly audacious like he was made for the spotlight.

Clearly, Tahir wasn't just here for business, he may be fooling the masses but he'd never fool Farah. The king had returned and his vengeance was at hand. Storming outside, she strode off towards god knows where no longer able to breath in the tension filled room. Behnam was in a heated discussion with his lawyer and she slipped away unnoticed. Well, almost. She stopped under the shade of a young tree and felt the familiar pull inside her as Tahir followed her out. Gripping the small gate surrounding the tree, the iron dug into her flesh and grounded her for the fight ahead.

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