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31 March 1992

Neville knew that it was once again his turn to talk, and possibly the last as Professor Sprout had told none of them of her plans. His day began as it usually did; with him already having to make up time. He woke up to an empty dorm and found himself already late for breakfast due to the inconvenient fact that he had not set his alarm the night before. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to have noticed that he had been dead to the world, and he ended up having to get dressed as quickly as he could before running down the stairs to join the rest of his house. He ended up eating breakfast in his usual fashion, which was not how he had imagined spending his time at Hogwarts. His Grandmother had told him of the wonderful time his father had had at Hogwarts, and all the friends he had made in Gryffindor, but Neville almost always spent breakfast eating alone. He had not managed to make any friends in Gryffindor since Hermione had decided to hang out with him on the train before deciding that she would hang out with Harry and Ron instead, although he could not blame her for that. Far from it. Since childhood, he had known he was a waste of space, and this had only served to confirm it. Therefore, he usually spent breakfast sitting alone at the Gryffindor table picking at his food. Hogwarts breakfasts were praised far and wide, but he supposed that they were probably more fun with friends. To him, they also seemed to taste like sawdust.

In an attempt to alleviate his boredom, he got out the first book in his bag, which just so happened to be on herbology. Alpine medicinal lichen was more interesting than the general atmosphere of the Gryffindor table. People were talking loudly and some people (Fred and George Weasley) were making everyone laugh. It seemed hilarious to everyone else at the table, but to him the jokes seemed to always fall flat. He imagined that there were plenty of things that were better when you were part of something.

Eventually, everyone filed out to go wherever they needed to be. In a clutter of cutlery and a stampede of feet, the position of Hogwarts' loudest house would be won by Gryffindor annually should anyone decide to put together any such competition. Neville waited for everyone to leave, before following in their wake. Charms was not his favourite subject, but at least it was not potions.

Professor Sprout was known among the House Elves for being the teacher who took care of 'pathetic and lonely students' and was usually provided with more cake than she knew what to do with. She always took joy in arranging all the group's favourite sandwiches, and eagerly observed which ones they liked and before using this to figure out which sandwich fillings to get, as she wanted to both reduce food waste and disappointing sandwich experiences.

This week was no different. She had ordered lunch the day before, requesting a special version of coronation chicken for Neville. The first time she had requested them, during the first few weeks of lunch club, the Head House Elf had asked her whether she was sure about putting so much spice in 'Mr Neville's' sandwiches, as The Headmaster was of the opinion that bland food was best for growing children to do well with. She had pondered it at the time and had decided to just go for it. She requested that they increase the spice level weekly and she really hoped that he would enjoy it.

When the group arrived, they got down to business.

"This week," Professor Sprout said, "Neville will be talking about Hogwarts."

"What about Hogwarts?" Neville asked. "If you want the history, surely Addie would be the best person to ask about it?"

"No, Neville," Professor Sprout reassured him. "I want you to talk about what Hogwarts means to you, and what you like about it."

"Ok then..." Neville said uncertainly.

Professor Sprout was fully aware that by the end of her brainstorming about what to have them talk about, she had been running out of ideas, and had started scraping the bottle of the barrel. Hopefully Neville would be able to figure out something to talk about.

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