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The first ever meeting of the Hogwarts Lunch Club convened on the 10th of January 1992, and excepting its coordinator, had only four members. It had been the dearest wish of Professor Sprout for such a group to exist since she had taken a sabbatical to work in the garden of a muggle primary school and noticed that the friendless groups were gathered up at lunch time in the hopes that they might cease to be quite so miserable. She had attempted to broach the subject the year previously to the headmaster with two students, and then again at the beginning of the year when another student had surfaced, but had been rejected on the basis that three students was the same size that the short lived, ill-fated Christian Union group had been, and if the group were to exist, they would have to reconsider the disbandment of the CU. If it weren't for the fact that Adelaide Potter had at long last joined the school alongside her twin brother Harry, and was yet to make a single friend, her idea would have been rejected for a second time.

It was a small, mismatched group, and everyone looked quite nervous. Professor Sprout felt nervous herself. This was the first time she had led something that was not Herbology Club. She gathered all her courage and took the toy bear she had acquired for this purpose from her bag. Their first meeting was intentionally on a random Saturday afternoon, and not at lunchtime, so that the students were able to leave at anytime without the loss of their lunch time. Going forwards, however, they were going to have to set a specific day of the week.

"Now everyone. We are going to do something called an 'Icebreaker'." She looked down at her notes to make sure she had said it right. "So, what we are going to do is pass around this bear and say our favourite colour when it reaches us. I'll start. My favourite colour is green."

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