Scene 7

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As soon as the portal disappeared Kaecilius kicked down the doors to the sanctum and in came 4 other guys with him.


"Where's the girl?" He asked angrily.


"I don't know who you're talking about," Stephen replied.


"Give me the girl and no one will get hurt." He said, still angry.


"That isn't gonna happen." Stephen said.


"The hard way it is then." 

After he said that he and his men attacked Strange from every possible direction. They were jumping off walls and sliding into him. Strange used his magic and made some force fields with his hands and used them to defend himself. The cloak also helped him, by lifting him off the ground if and when necessary.

The fight went on for a while with Strange defending himself by using portals and ropes and force fields just to protect him and his daughter's life. One guy went up to stab from behind luckily the cloak spotted it and flew off his back and tangled itself around the man making him unconscious.

The other 3 guys swung at him at the same time but failed to get a hit on him. Strange ended up using some force fields to block each attack and then he knocked all three of them to the ground.

It was all up to Kaecilius now, but he was never going to find Charlotte at least not for now.

Strange didn't have his cloak on so it was kinda easy for Kaecilius to knock him to the ground. At this point Strange has a big cut on the right side of his face and a bleeding left cheek.


"We could have done this the easy way." Kaecilius said.


"Where's the fun in that?" Stephen says back.


"I could finish you now but I'm not going to. I'm gonna wait until the opportunity is right. So long Strange." He then opened up a portal and left.

Stephen's cloak came back to him. Stephen then opened up a portal to Kamar Taj and stepped through.

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