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'You've changed.' Sky watched her friend set a little boy on his shoulders with a silly grin on his face. The boy giggled from his seat, stretching his arms out to feel the air. She marvelled at the sudden change in Mingi's demeanour. She had never seen him this laid-back in public. Especially ever since he was appointed as her personal guard by her father. It was like a switch flipped in his brain whenever he carried out his duties. Gone was her silly, stupid, goofy friend, replaced by her cold, calculating, and stoic guard. His personality changed so much that it sometimes scared her. Of course, he would still be the same in private, but as soon as a third person walked in, he put on a mask to hide his true self. If Sky said she didn't feel guilty, it would be untrue. She saw how exhausted Mingi was-the dark circles under his eyes and his sunken cheeks made sure to remind her that she was the reason for this condition of his. She felt terrible. She understood what it felt like to hide behind layers and layers of walls among people. It was imprisoning to the point that, after a certain time, you wouldn't recognise what was real and what wasn't. That is what palace life was: mind games and fake, built-up personalities.

The Mingi in front of her was different. He was bright, exuding warmth more gentle than his fire. This was the true Mingi, unguarded, not hiding behind the walls he built up. She smiled at the realisation. Maybe she could trust these people too. 'What did you do today?' She asked her friend as they walked behind Yunho and the children who surrounded them.

'Went on a little tour here, played with some kids, you know, the usual.' He answered, putting the little boy down now and turning all his attention to Sky. 'Oh, I also met my biological family.' He added, making Sky gasp and slapping his arm harshly.

'You should be more excited, you idiot!'

'I am. Can't you tell?'

'No!' Mingi sighed, smiling at the excited princess, who had now started questioning him about his family.

'How many people did you meet?'

'I don't know, like twenty?'

'What about your immediate relatives?'

'I have a grandma, an uncle, and an aunt.'

'What are they like?'

'Nice, I guess? I could take you to meet them later today if you're so curious.'

'I'm just so happy for you.' Sky excitedly hugged one of his arms, her questions never-ending until they reached a large meadow that stretched as far as their eyes could see.

'Wow.' Sky marvelled at the sight in front of them, enchanted by the variety of wildflowers that swayed in the direction of the wind. She felt the same surge of energy that she felt when she woke up back in Granny's cottage-as if her whole body were covered in cold fire. Yet it was so soothing. She lightly fiddled with her beaded necklace, still gazing at the mountains and trees, as she felt the wind gently move past her body.

'You'll get your hair tangled, princess.' She felt Mingi run his hand through her hair, dividing it into sections to braid it properly.

'Sky.' Mingi hummed, not quite understanding what she meant.

'Just call me Sky.' She turned towards him, chuckling once she saw the variety of flowers he had braided into her hair as adornments. 'That title is a bit suffocating, don't you think?' The title of crown princess weighed too much to bear; it came with a lifelong feeling of aloofness. The fact that she was a princess had held her back from experiencing the things that every other girl her age got to do. She had never sneaked out of the house after the incident in the lower city; she had never hung out with friends in a random market shopping for clothes; she had never had friends over for sleepovers. Heck, she hasn't even experienced first love yet, and she's twenty-four! She could've, obviously, if her father had let her live a life worth living for once. But that now remains a wishful fantasy. 'As long as I'm here, I'd like to live as myself-just Sky. Not the Heir of Wonderland, Her Highness Crown Princess Sky.' Sky spoke in a high pitch, mocking the people of the palace. 'I don't want people to fear me and distance themselves just because I am to ascend my father's throne.' Or was she? The discovery she made here in this village changed everything. She wasn't her father's blood, which already disqualifies her candidature for the throne. The king had all but abducted her as a kid; it'd be hard for her to even look at his face. Mingi nodded, looking pensively at the patch of grass.

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