03: Prelude to War

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Hark Castle
Jin Hark, Kingdom of Louria

He was just a boy

The twelve year old Hark Louria the 34th looked on in horror as he saw his father lying on his bed being tended to by both medical doctors and healers alike. The King was clearly in pain, but he did his best to hide it, conversing with the healers and cracking jokes. That just the person he was after all. If one were to describe Julius Louria the 3rd, he would be first described as a party animal who liked his wine and women a bit too much. But... he was a good king, at least towards the humans that resided within his kingdom.

Upon taking notice of his son, the King of Louria smiled and gestured for the young boy to come closer, to come at him at his bedside. Once the young boy was near enough to him, his father held his hand, clearly taking note of his son's nervousness.

"Dad" Hark said, his voice trembling with worry as tears streamed down his face "Are you going to..."

"Son, if I'm being honest with you, I probably wont make it" his father replied "The doctors say its an imbalance with my humors, the healers say that its malignant magic. Whatever the case, I don't think its going to help. So son, I want you to promise me a few things?"

Hark nodded his head, listening for what his father had to say.

"Firstly" Julius started "Don't give up on your ambitions okay? Be the best damn king that Louria is ever going to have. Never lose sight of your vision."

"I promise!" Hark replied, conviction burning in his voice "Once I'm in the city of Qua-Toyne you better be watching!"

"Of course I will be watching!" Julius replied "Anyways, the second promise is, I want you to take care of your sister. She's very young and has a lot to learn, please take care of her while I'm gone."

"Of course father" Hark smiled "You don't need to tell me"


Two Decades Later...

The sheets were warm

That was the first thing Hark, now King Hark Louria the 34th, noticed once he woke up from his dream. It was a nearly second by second replay of that memory. Thinking about his father still made the king's heart warm.

He never forgot the promise he made to his father, to be more specific, his promise to become the best king Louria had ever had. He had built a strong nation, one strong enough to be acknowledged by the Parpadlia Empire. His kingdom was prospering, had incredibly developed infrastructure, and the humans of Louria were living incredibly happy lives. Of course, this was driven by the large amount of slave labor of both Elves and Beastmen, but Hark never cared much for them. They were simply tools to keep his people happy.

And now... he was ready to move on to the next phase of the plan

The invasion of Qua-Toyne and Quila.


Penrose Household
Belobog District, Tokyo Undercity
April 6th 2000

A few months had passed since the Transference, and Terran life seemed to be heading back to normal.

Investments into both Qua-Toyne and Quila were approved by all 3 parties, and they were all in the early stages of bearing fruit. Union contractors began to flood into the country, from skilled engineers and mages  to teachers, manual laborers and artists. These people would take the first step in transforming both of these nations into modern states, with cultural boards set up to make sure that elements of thier respective cultures were present in every step. Of course, things like nuclear energy, eight-step magic lattices, high performance jet engines and the like were off the table, but otherwise the Union was willing to share quite a lot in the coming years.

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