A Different Family!

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Rin and Linfa in the Garden

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Rin and Linfa in the Garden

"And what is this one?" I asked, pointing to a plant with pale green leaves and small yellow buds. My words were still rather slurred, but I rather though I spoke well for only being just over two years old.

I was currently playing in the garden while Linfa set about her work. She was an alchemist and made money from selling her potions and elixirs in the near by villages. We had a small and modest home, but Linfa's garden was truly spectacular.

Linfa chuckled, patting down my short red hair and looking toward the plant I had asked about. She knelt next to me in her usually white dress and brown corset, her green hair blending in fabulously with the garden. "That one is called Sunglow. I use it in restoratives. Though this one is not ready to harvest just yet Rin."

Rin was the name Linfa and Gale had given me. Not surprisingly, they never did find my family, though they did make a good long effort. And so I was being raised by them now. And, to be honest, i could not be happier. It was rather frustrating, having to start out as a baby, but I adored my mothers and their unconditional love.

Linfa was everything one would think an elf would be. She was devastatingly gorgeous and kind, her voice like the sweetest spring wind. She loved all living things and never got angry with me or frustrated. If ever I was curious about something she never hesitated to answer it, and she always showered me with love and praise. Even when admonishing me for breaking a dish or running about and skinning my knee right after she had told me to settle down. She only ever spoke to me with patients and understanding. I don't think I could be half as good a mom as Linfa was. She had the patents of a saint.

"This one here is called River Weed, and it is ready to harvest." She said softly, directing my gaze to the pots next to us. I knew they were filled with water where the lily like weeds grew directly on top of. "Do you remember what we use these ones for?"

"Ummm... For sick people?" I said, pretty sure that it was supposed to be  a lot more specific than that. But there were just so many plants!

Linfa laughed, "That's right! I mix River Weed and Castra together and it makes a medicine used to treat coughs."

"How is it you are so smart." Sighed my other mother, Gale. She turned her brown eyes on me with a teasing smile, tossing her cloak over the garden fence.

"Gale!" Smiled Linfa, her eyes full of joy. "Welcome home! Any luck?"

Gale grinned broadly, the lifted up her arms to show off a brace of rabbits. I clapped my hands happily, forever impressed with Gale's hunting prowess. "I'll take these around and get them cleaned. Why don't you tow wrap up here and we can get dinner started."

Gale was a semi-retired adventurer. A pretty nasty knee injury took her out of steady guild work, but she still took simple jobs every now and again, mostly involving hunting and gathering. She still liked to regale me with tales of bandit raids and dungeon crawls though. Usually, she would go on and on till she got too graphic and Linfa would use her stern voice. Then Gale would look apologetic, wait for her back to turn, and shoot me a wink.

I loved Linfa, and I loved Gale. If the only thing the mysterious god did for me was to make me their daughter, then I would find myself the luckiest girl in this world.

Linfa arranged the herbs she had already harvested into her basket then got to her feet. I reached out a small pale hand and Linfa took it, leading me though the various plants and into the cabin.

It was late spring now, so the fire was not constantly lit in the fire place, but I rushed toward it and began putting in the kindling. It was my job to get the fire ready for dinner. Linfa watched me for a few seconds before setting her basket on the table and fishing out a few root veggies. It wasn't just potion ingredients that the elf grew in the garden after all.

It was such a simple thing, preparing a meal as a family. But it was a thing I planned to never take for granted. Compared to the existence I had been living before my death, this was pure heaven.

We lived a rather simple life, here, in our little cabin. It was located next to the Grandfell Forest, and about a fifteen minute carriage ride to the nearest village of Jerd. It was a rather modest part of the world as a whole, and the biggest city near by was Grier's Rest, a town governed by Margrave Lancer. There were less nobility here than other parts of the kingdom, but still, the peasants were seen as less than the nobility. And that meant that Margrave Lancer stood at the top of the pecking order here.

And where did that leave my little family? Pretty much the bottom of the barrel. We were poor, for one, most of what little funds we got came from Linfa's potions and the odd jobs Gale could take. But we were pretty self-sufficient here in our little cabin so I didn't really hurt for anything. So long as my mothers kept on smiling, then I was perfectly happy.

As for why we lived outside of town? Well, that was for a couple reasons that I could work out. Its not like my parents discussed it with a baby after all. From what I could figure it was mostly due to their relationship. Not only were they both females- which wasn't illegal or anything, but they were ostracized for it- but it was also an inter-racial relationship. I wasn't entirely sure of the political or social workings just yet, but I did know that a human and an elf being together was a big social no-no in the eyes of others. I had no clue why. I just hoped that the opinions of others did not interfere with our current happiness is all.

"All set, Runt?" Gale asked, tromping in through the back door in her muddy boots and ruffling up my orange hair before setting down two skinned and cleaned rabbits on the table.

"Must you call her that?" Sighed Linfa. "And take off those boots!"

Gale laughed but left to do as she was told, giving me another pat for good measure. I laughed and stacked a few more sticks up neatly in the unlit fire place.

"Honestly. Maybe I should make her clean up all this mess a time or two. I doubt she would make so much mess then." Huffed Linfa good naturedly. She threatened it quite often, but as she always did, set about tidying it up herself. "That looks good Run out and help Gale get cleaned up."

I laughed happily and dashed out the back door. I found Gale near our well, boots removed and lifting a bucket of water up and out.

"I'm here to help." I said, running up to her.

Gale laughed. "Oh yeah? Your mom thinks I can't even take boots off all on my own any more."

"Maybe?" I said with a teasing smile.

"If you say so." She emptied the well bucket into a basin we used for washing cloths, then dropped the bucket back into the well. "Why don't you rinse those off for me and then we can take the next bucket in for the stew."

"Eww! No way!" I said, edging away from the rather rank boots still covered in mud.

Laughing, Gale and I worked together to clean off the boots all the same, before bringing another bucket of water in to fill up the stew pot. 

It was another sweet and wholesome day in my new little home. 

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