◇|Chapter fifteen|◇

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Finney's pov


I was about to finish my shift at the hotel. It was around 4 p.m., and I didn't have another shift afterward, so I figured I'd just sit at home. That was my plan until I got a text.


DM between Griffin and Finney

Griffin: Finneyyyyyyyyyy

Finney: Griffinnnnnnnnn

Griffin: Wanna hang out at the park today? :3

Finney: Sure, let me finish up my shift, and then I'll head over

Griffin: Great! South Lincolnton Park near the library(⌒▽⌒)

Finney: I'll be there in 20 (*^^)v


I shrugged. 'Better than staying at home by myself, I suppose. I am kind of worried since Gwen is at Aunt May's house.' I thought to myself as I changed out of my uniform and into my usual hoodie and jeans with Converse.

I hopped in my car and started my drive to the park with Odetari songs playing.

After a 15 or so minute drive, I finally arrived at the park.

It did spark some memories with my mom as I saw a playground in the distance.


7 y/o Finney Flashback (๑´ㅂ'๑)♡*.+゜

"Mommy! Mommy! Look! I can hang on the monkey bars for a bazillion seconds!!!" I giggled, and my mother chuckled too.

"I see that, honey!" My mother called out with her soft honey voice. It always calmed me.

"Can I push Gwen on the swings?! Can I?!" I jumped down from the monkey bars swiftly.

"Careful honey! I wouldn't have been able to catch you if you had fallen with Gwen in my hands!" My mother exclaimed.

"Sorry, Mommy." I apologized before rushing to the swings and signaling for my mother to put Gwen in one.

"Okay... but only for a couple of minutes." She caved and put Gwen in the swing.

"Thank you!" I smiled and started pushing my sister.

Gwen giggled and laughed and would tell me when to slow down for the next five minutes before my mother's phone dinged.

She took it out, and her face paled.

"Come on, kids. Your daddy got home, and he wants dinner." My mom ushered us away from the playground and into the car.


I smiled at the fond memory. It was just one month before my mother had enough and ended it with her own bare hands.

I didn't blame her for leaving us. She loved us dearly, but she couldn't take it.

I understand now. I used to be mad. But now I'm content. I knew how that felt. I even almost left Gwen. I couldn't hate my mother for something I, too, almost did.

I sighed and stepped out of my car. "Stupid memories bringing down my mood." I grumbled.

'I've been remembering a lot of things lately. It's more than usual... weird.' I thought to myself as I approached the group.

"Hey guys." I muster a small smile, and they all reply back. However, Bruce seems to notice how my mood is more different than usual.

"...Hey Finney, can I talk to you in private?" Bruce asks me while the guys converse with each other.

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