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It's been two days now since my team left for their c-rank mission, and it's been supper boring for me. All I've been doing is watching Dragon Ball, and that's what I'm doing right now. I really have nothing to do since the Hokage  never really specified the date for our meeting. Seriously, I'm starting to dislike the man. All I ever wanted to do was spend some time with my man on this mission and see team seven in action. Was that really too much to ask for.    






"OMG, WHAT!!" Can't they see that I'm trying to brood here! and who is calling  me.

"kami, Yami, Shinigami!!! what are the three of you doing here!" I yelled out a bit annoyed. I'm not really happy today. I can't believe that old man removed me from the mission. having the power as the Hokage gives him no right to do that.

"we came here to tell you about your new mission." Kami replied with her usual smile

"What mission?" I asked

"The one we asked Hiruzen to give you Serenity. Didn't he tell you?" Kami asked a bit, confused about me not having any knowledge of the situation. ok but first lets ignore the fact that the others have horrified expressions about what Kami said and look to want to slap her and come to the fact that they're the reasons why I'm missing out on the mission.

"Serenity, you have to understand that konoha needs changes when it comes to shinobi rules and how they are trained, so we wanted you to just point out all the faults to Hiruzen." Shinigami replied stoically.

"Yeah, just like sister is saying, you have to understand and talk to Hiruzen about it," Yami said 

"So you're telling me that you're the reason why I was left out of the wave mission! The three of you should know that the plan you're talking about might not even work because Hiruzen can't make a decision without bringing it to the counsel first. you know the reason the academy is shit is because of the civilian counsel, and you expect them to just embrace the new rules with open arms? hell ev-"

"Serenity, calm down. we got most of the stuff you're  worrying about covered." Kami said even though she still had a confused look on her face

"Yeah, you just have to point out all the faults to Hiruzen, and we will deal with the council members' minds." Shinigami said without care

"If you were able to tell Hiruzen about my arrival and also able to tell him to exclude me from a mission, then why don't you just point out the faults to him yourself.  why waste time and go as far as to do what you're doing. y'know, I don't even want to talk to you three right now. please don't go and bother mom on her visit to the Egyptian Gods to come and apologize to me on your behalf that you've already done enough. you tell me to find a way to get stronger and bond with the team, yet you ruin the chance for me. this 'mission' you're giving to me right now could have been done any other day, yet you decided that the wave mission time was the best time. I could have really used the fight with Zabuza to build up my strength, speed, and experience. Worst of all, I lost the chance to bond with my man." As I said that, I turned away from them. It's not like their guilty expressions can change anything

"Look, Serenity, it's not everything we can communicate with the mortals about, or else we would have done it by ourselves. please calm down, " Kami pleaded

I felt a bit bad shouting at Kami, but I still have to make them know that I did not enjoy what they did.

"Even if you can't communicate to mortals about everything you could have told me, the person who is going to execute your plan for you beforehand." I told them still annoyed

" y'know what, it's fine. What's been done has been done. I'll just execute the plan like you said I should do. I wouldn't want one of my favourite anime verses going boom!" I turned away from them again after saying that.

"We're sorry." After they said that, I felt their presence disappear

Today, it sure has been a long day, and we are not even halfway through.


I just got but from training to blow of some steam, and my body hurts like hell. Training sure is hard. Maybe taking a nap will heal me quicker. Those three said I have regenerative skills or whatever.





"Mom, why can't I see you?"

"I came to you physically but because you over trained yourself, your body needs time to regenerate which will take about 5 hours and I have to leave soon so I decided to talk to you in your dreams. you can't see me because your body has used too much energy to really produce clear images, so it's basically a dreamless sleep." mom explained

"OK. So the three sisters came to Egypt to tell you what happened?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"NO, I went back to the upper world to deliver some package to Amaterasu when I saw those three appear with guilty expressions on their faces. they refused to tell me what happened, but after a couple of tries, they gave in. I will say it was wrong on their side serenity, i even told them, but please forgive them. they are already feeling bad, and they apologized they even told me to do so on their behalf, so please forgive them." mom said in a pleading tone.

I can never say no to her, so I just gave in.

"Fine, you win. just tell them not to do that again, or I quit."


"So how is it going with your team?" mom asked

"its going amazing their training really hard, and the c-rank should go more smoothly now." I replied.

mom just hummed a response 

"What of Kakashi? any progress?" she asked in a teasing tone



"we flirt here and there, but I don't know if he likes me. he probably thinks all my advances are just me playing a flirting game with him, " I replied in a sad tone

"Serenity, you're a beautiful girl just like your mom. No guy could ever reject you. Kakashi probably likes you but doesn't know how to say it." Mom said 

"I hope so." I said, trying to seem a bit happy

"What about you any luck with them?" I said to lighten up the mood

"I've gotten many proposals from different Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Aries, Susanoo, etc, but I think I'll keep on looking. I don't think I will go for the Greek Gods, though. Maybe I should try other universes." mom replied

" Damn mom, two out of the big three and other top Gods. you sure are setting a record, but maybe you should try other universes or maybe anime worlds. Dragon Ball has some nice men to try there or maybe jjk, MHA, and Demon slayer those places, too." I said in a happy tone. I mean, who won't like my mom.

"I think I will do that. my time is running out. Take care and keep on trying. I know you can win him over." As she said that, her voice turned into an echo, and her presence disappeared.


Thank you for reading this chapter, and I hope you liked it. This is probably the longest it has taken me to publish a chapter because of a few complications. I usually write on my tablet but then it started acting weird so I decided to use my laptop but then everything deleted so lost my motivation to write and I also had a writers block but thanks to some of my friends I regained my motivation to write. sorry for my rambling, and thanks for reading. Please vote if you liked this chapter.

is chapter.

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