Chapter 4

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Four months later
At the meeting

"It has been four months and still no sign of Uk" UN says both tried and frustrated "what are we going to do, we have checked all the CCTV and looked everywhere" Australia slouches in his chair. "Wait not all of them" America rises from his chair "what do you mean" Germany asks confused "I just remembered that Uk has some CCTV's near his house" America smiled brightly " we already checked those ones" Canada interrupts" "you didn't let me finish, Uk has hidden cameras near his house we haven't checked those" almost every country's faces light up knowing that they have a lead.

At Uks house

They had arrived at the house and everything looked just how they left it America ran to the security room along with New Zealand, France, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Germany, Italy, and Japan.

In the storage room Germany started looking through the files "guys it think I found it" Germany says pulling up a file. There it was a video of Uk fighting to defend himself until a towel was put above his nose and mouth then the video cut as the men threw Uk into the van and drove away.

The room was silent for a few moments until Australia said "hey Germ can you track the plate number?" A tint of anger in his cold voice "of course I can and I will but first let me send the video to UN" Germany said having the same tone as Australia " then we could go for a hunt.

At the facility

Uk lay down on the mattress, he was sure he had lost his voice from how much he had screamed the last four months he was almost covered in bandages "rise and shine Uk" the familiar voice rang across the room Uk opened his eyes, he knew better than to ignore him "good morning Altar" Uk said but his shaky voice only made it hard to be understood, despite that Altar heard him "are you ready for today's activities" he said in a joyful yet sinister tone Uk stayed quiet he had nothing to say "I will talk that as a yes" Alter claps his hands twice and a few people come in, Uk knew It was better to not fight it. Uk was taken to the same medical room he had been taken to for the past four months but this time was different in a way there were more people than usual and the was a table with some blood bags that had a blue substance in it. Uk was strapped to the chair he was then hooked up to the blue substance, Uk couldn't help but wonder what they were doing to him but soon he felt nothing like all feelings in his body had disappeared, he had no will of his own he wanted to be told what to do by his master Altar.

..................that is it for chapter 4
Have a good morning/afternoon/night
Hope you enjoy bye

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