The ball

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Note: The second task takes place after the Yule ball in this story

Y/n entered the Yule ball, full of young students with bright smiles on their faces. She turned heads entering, obviously; but nobody was in the mood of asking for a autograph anymore. Everybody was focused on theirselves and their dates.

Y/n went in search of her date, Cedric diggory but futher more, she was more than willing to see another person; yes, it was Hermione Granger.

She took ahold of her long, black, sparkly gown and started walking down the steps. She has never felt more pretty before, like she does now. She could whispering and commenting about her look and y/n considered her own self cocky for thinking that not only hermione, but no one can escape her beauty this night.

 She could whispering and commenting about her look and y/n considered her own self cocky for thinking that not only hermione, but no one can escape her beauty this night

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She went through the crowd in search of diggory, and spotted many people she knew. Harry and Ron with parvati and Padma looked a bit unhappy while Ginny in the corner with Neville, teaching him how to dance properly. Infact, She saw Draco Malfoy smiling for the first time and be nice to a girl, his date. Scanning all of these, y/n felt a little tap on her shoulder.


"Gorgeous you are!" Cedric complimented dramatically, to which y/n thanked him.

"You don't look so bad yourself" she teased to which they both laughed.

"Well miss, if you show up this beautiful, how is it possible to not in fall in love with you and be just friends?!" He Questioned, to whicn y/n couldn't help but laugh.

"Hello there Cedric" Cedric was at it again. He was very social whereas y/n.., not that much. Everybody surrounded them in pure suprise, nobody even knew Cedric and y/n were talking with each other and it was indeed a suprise that they have decided to attend the ball together as they are supposed to be rivals. They were soon given the title "power couple"

"Here, meet Rogar Davies! He is going with your friend, fleur delacour right?!" He introduced to y/n.
"Yes ofcourse! She knows!" Fleur joined in, hugging y/n and Cedric.

    "Nice to meet you, y/n" Rogar greeted. As the conversation went by, y/n made no effort to participate. She seemed nervous afterall.
  "What's up y/n? Are ya waitin for anyone?" Fleur asked to which y/n immediately snapped out of her worried World.

"no! No.. not at all"

"Then why stare at thee entrance door?" Fleur questioned in her thick French accent.

"Well, I know who she's waiting fo-"

"Wanna meet Harry and Ron, Cedric? Yes?... oh yes, you are coming. See you both stunning people out here later aii! Need to ugh.. come" before Cedric could even start, he was dragged away by y/n. Meeting Harry and Ron was secondary, she had to escape continuously socialising.

"I told you not!!!" Y/n whined.
"Well, how whipped are you for hermione huh" he mocked her, to which he was awfully beaten in the head.

"I am not whipped for her!!" Y/n complained, hiting him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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