Rita Skeeter

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The world cup was given to the French Quidditch League and they started celebrating their win. After moments, people started to leave.

"Your krum lost, Ron. France won!! Yayyyy" Ginny mocked Ron, running around him in a circular motion.

"He's a amazing player, stop it Ginny" Ron snarled at her, Harry and Hermione looked at each other, laughing at the ginger-haired boy.

"Okay, come on. We've have to get home, your parents will be looking for you ronald" Hermione ordered in a serious tone.

"Get home? Without meeting krum?! Never!" Ron Weasley said to which Hermione thundered "shut it Ron, who are you for him to notice?!"

"Bloody hell! Don't yell like that Hermione! Look at them" Ron said and pointed at the 2 captains who were sitting in a chair with a blonde women infront of them. "We have plenty of time, when they leave the pitch, we'll be able to see them close!"

Some other fans were also waiting to see the players in close up, but most of them left so Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny went down to the lower seats, so they'll be able to see the captains.

"I am not sure if you will survive tonight when we get home, Ron" Harry teased ron in the waiting time, Ron rolled his eyes and replied "I doubt the same, Harry"

"What's taking them soo long!!" Hermione barked, with her eyebrows furrowed, trying to figure out, what the three sitting in the middle of the ground were doing


"Oh what a lovely, tough boy!!" The blonde lady said, staring at victor krum "allow me to introduce myself, I am Rita Skeeter!" She yelled and reached out for krum's hand and shook his hand.

"Oh and y/n, I almost forgot that you were here" she said and reached out for y/n's hand.

"Thank you miss, I'd rather not" y/n sassed with a intimating smile. "And what's your name again?!" She questioned.

"Rita, Rita Skeeter. It's fine that you are slow, y/n.." Rita said, insulting y/n. "Okay, let me start with you miss y/n" she says, looking at the uninterested y/n

"So, It seems that your team has won the match, am I right?!" She questioned to which y/n nodded. "But yet, they say that krum was the most interesting part of the match, what do you think of this"

Y/n took a glance at krum, looking clearly uncomfortable, opening his mouth to say something but y/n spoke before krum could.

"I haven't heard anybody saying that, did you krum?.." y/n sang, slowly turning to krum's direction who was sitting beside her. "I don't believe things which I simply didn't hear, so... I don't what you're talking about"

"Oh.. interesting, but y/n.. think of something that the public will like! The answers you give are lame.., almost! You are the hot news today!!" Rita yelled again, raising both her hands in the air, like she was going to hug the air.

"I am not a puppet for the public's eyes, Rita. I say what I want" y/n says, making herself fully comfortable on the chair.

Rita signed at the girl, who gives her dis-satisfaction from her answers. "Strike out those last lines" Rita says to the floating paper and pen which followed her everywhere and wrote whatever was happening. But Rita only put the news she wants to be seen.

"So, Mr. Krum.." she started. "Is it true that y/n is a better player than you are? Since she beat you ha?!" She scoffed.

Krum just stood up and walked away, glaring at both of them. "Mr. Krum, you can't walk away, answer me!" She yelled but krum didn't give a damn about her or even the popularity he had.

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