Part 19

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Amelia's POV

"Come on!" Shaun yelled. I grunt, lifting my hips one more time, the weight feeling unbearable. "Just one more!" He had unfortunately somehow convinced me to start working out with him in the morning, which required me to get up by 5 AM. By CHOICE.

"Shut up, " I grunted out, lifting my hips up one more time before collapsing. Shaun cheered, clapping his hands together and then helping me up off the floor.

"Look at you, already making progress." I just shoved him and he laughed. To say that Shaun and I had become good friends would be an understatement. We hung out every day at work, and then most weekends. Indi had told him more about the Lando situation than I did, and Shaun decided he would make an effort to help me get out and do something almost every weekend. Ice skating, restaurants, parks, we even went go-karting once. Now, I know all this sounds like dates, but I had never once picked up a romantic vibe from Shaun, and I was hopeful that it would stay that way, I definitely wasn't ready for another romantic adventure at this time.

"Alright, I should head back and shower. I'll see you at the hospital yeah?" Shaun nodded his head, drinking some water.

"Yep sounds good. Am I good to head over to yours after work as well? Indi said something about a movie night?" I nodded my head. Indi liked Shaun. A lot. A LOT.

"Yeah, she is making it a tradition. And she wants you there so, " I give him some eyes, and I swear I almost see him blush before he smiles.

"Alright, see you soon." I wave, walking out of the gym and towards my car. I get in, open up my phone, and against my better judgment, I open Instagram and look up Lando's account. I googled his race scores the other night, noticing that he had dropped in the ranks. I was flooded with articles and photos of him out at clubs, with girls and drinks and I almost got sick, but I thankfully moved on. He had posted a photo only 30 minutes ago, with a caption that read something about media day at a race he was getting ready for. Before I even knew what I was doing, I liked it.

"Fuck!" I say, turning my phone off and throwing it onto my passenger seat. "Fuck! Now he is going to know you were stalking him!" I groan, turning over my car engine and driving off. I only had 3 months left of my paramedic course, and as much as I loved it, I think I was leaning toward the first-aid side of it. A lot of paramedics ended up getting jobs at stadiums or with sports teams, and that was definitely something I was into.


Bahahaha, anche a me manca vederti, devi venire presto ad una gara.

Baha, yes maybe I will once I finish my training.

I think it lines up perfectly with the next race in Australia.
Maybe I will have to come to your graduation :)

Maybe you will! That would be very nice



To be honest, I was kind of picking up vibes from Charles. The man hasn't stopped texting me these last few months, and he was single. He has also bought up seeing me more than a few times and keeps asking if I am free. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I mean, Charles was more than attractive, don't get me wrong, but a part of me would always think about Lando when I was with him.

It was a silly thought to have anyway, I'm sure he wasn't really interested.


Lando's POV

Go-karting? She went go-karting with him? Really? Amelia had gotten into a habit of posting about the lovely 'dates' she went on every weekend with this blond man whose name I now knew as Shaun when she tagged him. Photos of them smiling at restaurants and hugging while ice skating made me sick, but I looked at them every day. She seemed happy.

I was doing, ok. I mean, my performance improved significantly, and I felt more comfortable in my sport, but outside of that, I wasn't doing much better. I thought about her all the time, and it was killing me. I don't even think I thought about her this much when we were a thing.

Everything I did reminded me of her, fuck I couldn't even watch a movie without picturing her there with me. And it sucked. And the worst part was she was doing just fine! She had a boyfriend for fucksake, so I obviously didn't mean that much to her. Oscar had attempted multiple times to make me feel better, but seeing him with Lily killed me. Lily also wasn't my biggest fan currently, smiling at me, but then finding an excuse to leave whenever I walked over. She liked Amelia and knew that Oscar had told me not to go out with that girl the night at the club. Oscar had let me know that Lily was upset at me, and to not take it too seriously, as she was pretty determined to hold a grudge, but it would die down sooner or later.

To add to that, I noticed the other day that Charles now also followed her, and she followed him back. I had gone up to him, asking him when that happened. He told me he followed her the night that they met at the club after he had dropped her off. This is also when I learned about their whole journey home. I was pissed. Well, I was jealous. I wanted to be that guy sitting in the car park with her at 2 AM watching her eat an obscene amount of nuggets. Charles had informed me he watched her inhale like 15 of them and then took the blame when she stated that he must've eaten them all. I asked if he was in contact with her, and he seemed to get pretty hesitant, which was a yes.

I wanted to punch him.

But it's not like I could do anything about it. I would just have to hope she wouldn't ever go for Charles. I was almost counting down the days until we went back to Australia, which I know wasn't for another 3 months, but I was thinking I could maybe spend my week off there, and catch up with her.

Anything to see her again.


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