{💙She's in the Foot Clan!!💙}

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Yup 2012 reference

Yup 2012 reference

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Of all things. Why'd she have to be in the foot clan? Not a nurse, aspiring author, dreaming artist. No. Foot clan soldier. Leo couldn't believe it himself. The fact he even held a conversation with her is unreal. Especially with her speed powers. Zipping around fights and delivering punches in the process was pretty cool.

He had to admit, she was pretty cool as well. One time she saved him from a Foot ambush because she thought it was an unfair fight. Yeah he's big and can kick ass, but 50 people is still a lot. So she helped out in another disguise.

"Thanks Speeds." He would say and she would nod in return and run off. Then after two months, they actually shifted from enemies-to-'I tolerate you,' type of people. Not that Leo was complaining. It was nice to have someone aside from his family and friends who were made through convention. This friendship was formed because it was planted and expanded.

"Leo!" Flinching at the loud voice, the leader in blue looked up to his younger brother and sighed. He stood up and sheathed his swords heading up with the others for patrol. "What's with ya'? You've been somewhere else these days and it ain't helping us track the Foot Clan shipments."

"Don't worry about it Raph. I've got it handled." Recently, hating to admit it, Raph had grown into Leo's leader role pretty well. Not that he'd ever officially give up the title, but it did make him happy he had someone concrete to rely on. When the brothers arrived at the docks, they saw a good dozen Foot soldiers walking around keeping guard in pairs while, Karai, and a tiger mutant were in the center talking looking at a tablet.

"It'll be easier if we split up, hit them hard and fast before they can react and call for back up." Donnie said after analyzing the situation. They all nodded their heads but Leos' drifted everywhere. Where was she? She'd usually be running around of trying to make one of the other soldiers to laugh. No where in sight. No quick trail of someone with speed enhancements whisked by.

"Anyone else find it weird that Speedy Gonzalez isn't here tonight?" Donnie and Mikey nodded while Raph just gave him a look. "What? That's a good thing."

"Yeah, 'cept you've got this look on your face," pausing and glancing over at his nerd brother to get back up but realized he was at odds with his brothers at the moment. "Agh, whatever. Let's just get this over with. I'm freezing my shell off."

Like Donnie said, hitting them hard and fast was the trick. Till one of the Foot soldiers screamed and Tigerclaw ran over to where Mikey had taken out two soldiers. Leo had seen the big cat mutant hurling over towards his brother but was busy with Raph dealing Dog pound. The amount of mutant dummies Karai had gained while Shredder was gone was sort of intimidating.

Glancing over to the fight behind him, Donnie was handling Karai easily. Looking over to his right however, not good. Mikey yelped in pain at Tigerclaws' claws cutting him on the face slightly and having trouble regain his footing. Leo began to run over but was stopped with Bebop and Rocksteady charging at him from both sides.

"Mikey!" He yelled out but just as his youngest brother was about to get impaled by his opponent, Speeds rams into Tigerclaw and helps Mikey get up. She looks to Leo and nods, she looks tired.

"Run!" Leo nods hesitantly but still yells at his brothers to retreat.


"What the hell was that!"

"Nothing Raph."

"Nothing!? Leo a Foot lackey just saved Mikey and told us to run. You don't think that's a tiny bit suspicious!" Groaning in annoyance Leo went over to the edge of the roof they were at a couple blocks away from the shit show they had just ran away from.

"Look Raph I'm really not in the mood right now. All I know is that she helped Mikey, and knowing Karai, it's not gonna end well for her." He paused and let what he was alluding to drift in the air for a bit to know how the team felt about it.

Aside from Mikey, not well. Well actually, Mikey was hesitant, but was willing because he got saved a trip to Donnie's lab. Donnie was just being logical. Saying stuff about how their bodies were too exhausted to be dealing with it right now, but even then his kind heart over powered and said he'd help Leo quickly.

Raph, being Raph, pulled Leo away and began a whisper yelling match that all of them could hear. Guess he only did it to make it feel private between the two elders of the group.

"She's in the Foot Clan."

"We've got to help her."

"She's in the Foot Clan."

"She saved Mikey, I know it doesn't trust worthy,"

"Wanna know why? CAUSE SHE'S IN THE FOOT CLAN!!"

Wincing at his ears ringing, Leo just sighed and pat Raph on his shoulder.

"Look if you think it's a trap take Mikey and Donnie. I can take care of it myself. You're in charge while I'm gone." He finished before running off and head to the only place he thought they were holding Speeds. Turning to look back he saw the other following him and just continued running.

Arriving at the abandoned cannery gave them an advantage. Seeing as Shredder was too distracted. That surprised them. Shredder being back, gonna have to ask Renet when that happened exactly.

"Why were you so brave to betray me. After everything we've done for you. Gave you food, clothes, a-"

"Roof over my head, yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't care anymore. Getting away from you is better than having free luxury while people are getting poisoned under the turtle and polices' noses." Sneaking around whilst taking out guards silently, Leo smiled at himself. At least she was on their side.

"Don't get any ideas, even if she's betraying them that don't mean she'll help us all the time." Raph said snapping him out of his day dream of training with her. Sadly, it was true. No time to think about what could be now, while she's on the verge of being murdered by her ex-master.

"You disappoint me daughter. I leave you in charge for my absence and you can't even tell if someone is betraying you." Saki stated turning to the girl with pink highlights. Using the small distraction, Mikey dropped a kunai knife in Speeds hands from above to help het cut the ropes loose. Glancing up she smiled at the orange clad turtle and put back on her mask of indifference when Shredder turned back.

"You, will pay for this. And forget about seeing your little allies again. They say death is a mercy sometimes. So I will not give it." As he said this one of the doctors came behind her and injected something in her. Screaming in pain, she used the knife quickly and flipped over Shredder racing away to the door. Her powers were gone so she couldn't zap away.

When Karai began running after, Donnie used his grappling hook bracelet and wrapped it around Speeds torso and pulled her to him and caught her. Before the Foot could react the turtles broke through the nearest window and ran home.


When Speeds woke up, a bright light flashed in her eyes. Groaning in pain from both the injection and the luminescent bulb she sat up and threw her legs to dangle of the surgery table. She felt everything sway and when it stopped she moved to walk through the open doorway. Poking her head out she found a rat sitting down watching a movie with a lizard.

When his ear flicked, she froze to not make any noise but apparently her breathing gave it away as he turned to her with a smile. At least what she thought was a smile.

"I see you're awake. Tea?"

They talked and didn't realize they were being watched by the brothers who had finished their Katas a few minutes ago. Leo was just happy he could have a full conversation without worrying about her betraying him.

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