La Pascua Florida

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Image: Florida's human form. I tried to make his flag on his cheek but positioning issues. He's physically 14 and at 5'1.

Florida: Tallahassee (State Capital); Flor and Flower (Nicknames); La Pascua Florida (Spanish Empire Name)

Philippines: Phili (Human Name)

Cuba: Carlos Machado (Human Name); Spanish Cuba (Spanish Empire Name)



Carlos and Matthew look to see Phili running to them.

"Phili where's the fire?" Carlos asked alarmed to his former sister.

"Maple" Matthew gulped.

The country excitedly showed them a picture, "I was looking through some boxes and found some stuff from when we were under the Spanish Empire and look!"

The picture was Phili and Carlos when they were under the Spanish Empire and in-between the was their brother.

"La Pascua Florida" The personification of Cuba frowned, "Little brother."

"Um, sorry, but who's that?" Matthew asked, pointing to the middle child.

"America when did you get here?!" Carlos screamed.

"I'm Canada" The maple country deadpan.

"That's La Pascua Florida, my older brother and Carlos' younger brother." Phili smiled sadly then a look of anger appeared, "Spanish Empire gave him away, just like he was nothing."

"He did it to 'save' us" Carlos growled then smirk, "though we fought against him and won our independence from him."

Matthew inspected the picture and noticed something, "He almost looks like Florida, have the same name actually."

Both countries look at Matthew, but he kept on mutter how La Pascua Florida looks similar to Florida.

"America! Do you know where my little hermano is?!"

"I'm Canada" he signs, 'Maybe I should turn to my country self.'

"Canada idiot! And where is this boy you are talking about?!" Phili asked, she wants to see her big brother again.

"Hang on, I need to make a phone call to see if he's okay with it" Matthew said, he needed Alfred to know first since Florida is his kid.

The two seemed hesitant but let the north country step away. Matthew then called his brother.


"Ken?" Matthew asked, surprised to hear his voice.

"Ten uncle Mattie" The 16th state replied.

"Sorry, are you okay? You sound off."

"Been a week, how can I help you?"

"I was actually hoping to talk to your dad, why do you have his phone?"

"Part of the week. Want me to give him your message?"

"Sure, well, apparently I just found out the personifications of Philippines and Cuba were Florida's younger sister and older brother back when he was part of the Spanish Empire-"

"No" Tennessee interrupted, "No trucking way my brother is meeting former family members."

"But Ten-"

"But nothing!" Tennesse shouted, "If they meet him then the Spanish Empire will know who he is! I don't want another Empire after my siblings! I don't want another country to take my brother!"

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