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Image: Texas and Moscow's human forms. One of Texas' pupils in this form is a star to represent his state. Also, Texas is tall for his age due to his state's size otherwise he would be an ant to Moscow.

Ship: Moscow x Texas

Human Names:
America: Alfred, Mr. Jones
Russia: Ivan
Texas: Austin, Noah
Moscow: Alexander

Location: Austin, Texas

Note: I read a book with two chapters about them and fell in love with the ship.


Texas felt he could pass out at any moment, the amount of paperwork his boss gave him was ridiculous and he couldn't imagine the amount his pa has to do. Currently the two were in the governor's office in Texas' capital, it was supposed to be a nice father/son week, but they've been busy with paperwork for the past three day. Unfortunately, both were workaholics though Texas isn't as bad as his pa.

"Mr. Jones?" The state looks to the door to see Riley stand there, "Your father is asking for you."

Riley has been working as a secretary for five years and is currently 27 but doesn't look older than 22.

Thankful for the break, Texas smiled and got up, "Thanks Riley, and you can call me Austin or Noah, Mr. Jones is my pa's name."

"Sorry Mr.- I mean Austin" Riley smiled, she was happy the boy was getting away from his work, even for a few minutes.

Texas nods then followed Riley to his pa's office. 

"Pa!" Texas called out as he walks to his pa, leaving Riley by the doorway.

Riley frowns slightly seen the father and son looking so tired, even though they are different from other humans, they are still human in the end.

"Hey Tex" America smiled tiredly, "How are you?"

"Almost done, you?" Texas chuckled.

"Close" America then signs, "Tex, we're going to have guests coming over in a few hours."


"Russia and Moscow" America moved his sunglasses to rub his eyes, "Russia insists to meet here and soon, Moscow is coming since he hasn't visited in a while. They'll be leaving after two days so I hope you don't mind entertaining Moscow."

"No problem pa" Texas frowns when America puts his sunglasses back on but doesn't make comment, "I guess this is a good thing, we can get away from the paperwork for a while."

"True" America then got up to stretch, "Anyways, go get a shower, you smell."

"Hey! I smell better than you, I at least put on cologne." Texas pouted.

"I think that makes it worse" America chuckled and hug the state, "Thanks Noah."

"Anything for my ma" Texas grinned, returning the hug.

Riley, who was forgotten by both, spoke up, "Sorry sirs, but Mr. Russia and Mr. Moscow will arrive in two hours."

"Jesus Riley!" Texas jumped causing both adults to laugh.

"We're meeting them at the entrance, see you then" America then left to the bathroom attached to the office.

"See you pa." 

Texas and Riley left for Texas' office.

"It's cute for you to call your pa, ma" Riley teased, causing Texas to blush.

"Sh-Shut up" Texas ducked his head down, "He's both ma and pa."

"Sweetie, it's fine, I've worked here long enough to see that. Mr. Jones takes care of you and your siblings better than some single-parents or even when there are both parents."

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