4. Jessica

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Ethan felt his stomach churn each step the two took. The bag jostling made him almost feel sick. At least he could now say it wasn't the worst kind he has ever felt now.
Though it still gave him a kind of carsickness he only thought possible while being in a moving vehicle.
The more you know.
Ethan could barely make out his surroundings, trying to take in every detail he could. He deduced they were in a waiting room, at least. Ripped pictures that hung on the wall, knocked over, and snapped chairs, along with kids' toys scattered around slightly hinted to that.

Though there were multiple places that had things like that in them. And the broken lighting really didn't help.
That news reporter did mention something about a power outage. He realized.
I hope Loaf is alright.

Hey! He called out suddenly to the other, a question on his mind at the moment. Robin slightly jumped at the sudden voice entering his head.
Ow- watch it! Ethan hissed, holding his head, which banged on the side of the bag. "Sorry." The other sheepishly apologized, Ethan could hear the rustling of clothes and assumed it was Robin. Maybe scratching his head? Ethan did notice that habit his co-worker had.
Where are we? Ethan asked.

"My wife's workplace." The other blandly offered, getting a facepalm out of the mew.
No, dumbass - He reworded the question. What is this place exactly?

"Oh." The other said, feeling kind of stupid. "Well, she works at a daycare. She's got qualifications to help with special needs kids, and that makes her very high value at this place." Robin said.
"She's just so cool, isn't she?" He gushed, continuing on with praising his wife before Ethan cut in.
What about the kids here?

"I wouldn't worry too much for the kids.." Robin said, Ethan about to interrupt before the other continued. "If anything, I'm worried for her. She puts the kids' wellbeing before her own every day. She'd die before anyone could hurt them."

"If anything, that's what worries me more." Robin continued.

The conversation was cut off from there, a loud thud! Filling the empty silence once more. Only the question of what could have caused it. Needing no provocation, Robin bravely ran ahead, Ethan poking out of the bag to sit curled on the other humans shoulder.
Now, in full view, he was able to clearly see the rooms around the two. Each one abandoned and cold. Shadows acting as the rooms only blanket. Some doors had dents in them, and others had their knob missing.
And familiar burn marks ruined the wood of some doors, the familiar ash and charcoal left behind.

Was this the cause of another fire type?

Ethan kept his thoughts to himself, not wanting to panic his new companion. Though he guessed Robin noticed anyway. Despite acting brave, there were slight tremors he could feel through the others' shoulders.


A childs' sobs raked through the halls, more and more rising in one of the rooms ahead. Ethan, wasting no time, strained his enhanced ears to figure out where they were coming from. Even if they hurt his his.
There! He pointed towards a room nearby, two doors ahead to the left.
Robin, silently nodding, darted forwards. Hand latching on the knob before tearing the door open.

Only for the two to stop. Staring dumbly at the scene ahead.

Ahead of them, their main focus was on the large, blue pokémon with blood red eyes. Multiple marks such as yellow and red painted its stomach, with a yellow star like shape on its muzzle.
The most prominent feature it had, though, were its arms and tail. Fins on each arm and a razor-sharp claw on the tips instead of paws.

The intimidating pokémon that would demand everyone's respect would have been more terrifying if it weren't for the scene around. A mix of human kids and seemingly young pokémon were playing around. Some pulled at the thick tail while others hang off the blunt horns on its head.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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