3. Metallic

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Ethan hated to admit it, but he knew what the smell he detected in the club was earlier.
It was the same smell coming from Robin's arm right now. The other pretending to not be bothered as he unzipped his jacket for Ethan to exit the comfortable ride. Now, he is greeted with his co-workers' home instead of the darkness of the jacket.

Robin, enjoying seeing another explore his small living room, hung his jacket onto its hook. Rather sloppily.

Ethan noticed how the house was relatively unharmed, with no damaged furniture. At most, there was a knocked over table, a few things fallen over, but nothing really damaged.
"Nobody was home." Robin noted, seemingly detecting the others' confusion.
"My wife should be at work.. I need to call her."

Robin, despite having an injured arm, fished his phone out of his jackets pocket, dialing a number and letting the phone ring.
Ethan scoffed in disbelief at the other. Your arm, dude!

Seeing the other wasn't going to enact on the injury anytime soon, Ethan stomped his way around the house. His physical appearance makes him look way less annoyed than he was.
It only fueled him more as he struggled around the house to find the bathroom. Once he did, he stood in front of the wooden door, pondering what to do next.

He was definitely too small to reach the knob. He wasn't able to jump high enough to reach it either. He cursed his small height, returning to the living room with a new resolve.

You'll open the door for me! He decided. Glaring right at the pacing man in front of him. A worried look plastered on his face.
"Why hasn't she answered? Is she okay? What if she's stuck, hurt, and alone, and nobody is there to help her?!" He said, his tone rising.
"It would be all my fault! I need to find her-" Ethan interrupted the incessant rambling with a light kick to the man's leg, causing him to stumble lightly.

"Oh- uh. Little pokémon..? -" Ethan felt a vein about to pop when called little "- what do you need?"
He motioned towards the bathroom door, pointing repeatedly at it.
"Oh! Do you need help going in there?"

Ethan huffed but nodded vigorously. His pride set aside to help the man ahead of him.
"A-alright. But I can't take too long." Robin agreed, turning the handle and carefully opened the door. Revealed inside the room was a basic toilet, small bath, and sink. Ethan ignored how clean it looked, instead swinging open the cabinets and searching through them.

"Hey- wait. What do you need?"

Ethan looked at the other pointedly. Directing his gaze to the others' arms as of that'd help get his point across.
"Oh, nono, I'm fine! This isn't too bad-"

Shut up, idiot. You need treatment! The small psychic pokémon demanded, not expecting the other to listen. He really wished he had a way to converse with the other.
However, that all changed as the man yelped, cradling his head as if it got hit by a rock - like that vulpine pokémon from earlier.

"D-did you just speak?" He stuttered, looking at his pink furred companion with wide eyes.
No? You can't understand what I say.
Ethan thought, confusion morphing onto his face.
"But-but I just heard you again!"

Both looked at each other for a few seconds. Dumbfounded.
You can hear my thoughts?
"I guess so.." the other said, a silent hysterical laugh filling the otherwise silent room. "This is just so unbelievable."

Ethan nodded before returning to his search. The silent command to not move being heavily implied.
He soon found a full box of random supplies. The tag 'medical' marked over it. Ethan grabbed both sides of the box, pulling it out with the strength his tiny body could muster.

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