1. Pink fluffy thing

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It was early in the morning, too early - in Ethans opinion, when his ears began ringing due to the annoying beeping coming from the side of his bed.
He let out a light groan, digging the covers deeper under his arms as his head burrowed inside the soft material.
It was so comfortable that he could have slept in for hours if he didn't set his alarm.

He contemplated just shutting his phone off completely. But the soft chirping of birds from outside completely shut down that idea.
He still wanted to sleep more, though.
"Just five more minutes.." his whispered, voice hoarse from its lack of use. Though he dragged himself upright, aware he was too awake to sleep now with the annoying alarm going off. He propped himself on his elbow as he reached to grab his phone on the bedside table.

Ethan maneuvered his hand over the button on its side, quickly pressing down on it - only to immediately flinch away at the bright light with a curse.

Too bright! Too bright!

Like the vampire he totally was, he pulled down the notifications bar on his phone, sliding down once more on the touch screen to reach the brightness setting. He dragged the slider way to the left, relieving him of an early headache.
"What time is it..?" He asked himself. Immediately, his light blue eyes widened at the time.
Eight twenty-three AM..

Shit! He cursed once more, already feeling the lingering taste of soap from his childhood. His mother would rinse soap in his mouth whenever he cursed. It made him grimace to taste the sickeningly familiar rang. But that was unimportant. What was important was that his at Club Red shift started at nine thirty.
He would be late if he didn't pick up the pace.

Flinging himself off the warm bed, his feet immediately landed on the cold wooden floor. Luckily, it had no stray boards and never gave him splinters. Those were painful to deal with. Unluckily, it made him shiver as the morning chill hit him full force. No longer with his blanket that held his lingering warmth and shielded him.
He padded onwards, grabbing his usual yellow, white, and blue striped shirt and light blue jeans. He then dragged himself right to his bathroom.

He stripped his pajamas off, letting them fall flat to the side of the bath as he quickly dragged himself inside. Letting the cold water shower down his body to wake him up. Warm water just made him tired this early in the morning.
He scrubbed against the oil and dirt that he missed last night, shutting off the water when done before roughly drying himself with a towel.

Using his regular hairdryer and comb, Ethan began his next daily chore in the morning so he could look presentable. Completely drying off his soaked blue hair that matted together. While his hair was hot; he dragged his comb over his head, leaving him with his short curly hair. The roots of his head growing out to reveal his natural auburn color.
His light blue eyes scanned him over once more, noting to get more hairdye before he dressed himself.

Leaving his room; now equipped with socks and white sneakers, he was prepared to face the morning chill with newfound warmth. Mostly from his clothes, which recently came out of the dryer.
That didn't matter. Why did he bother to note that in his head?
Whatever. He just shrugged it off.

Ethan entered his living room, switching on the light only to be greeted by his tabby cat. Loaf. Which shamelessly rubbed its head against his legs with soft meows. Practically begging for its early breakfast.
Huffing, Ethan grabbed the empty cat bowl on the ground, glancing to see the water was still good for his cat before he dug into the food reserves. Wet cat food, he was pretty sure it was better than dry cat food from what he looked into.

He placed the bowl down, and his cat gratefully dug in. Munching away hungrily.
Ethan, using the newffound distraction, maneuvered around his living room. Avoiding the cat tree and stepping over scattered cat toys to grab his cars keys and wallet. Just as per usual.

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