Part 3: Fight

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I stood next to the window in shock


What the hell? Only one person called me that.

11 years ago

"So what's your name? my name's Blake" I winced as he cleaned my cuts "Hazel" I replied. "Like your eyes right? Your eyes are really pretty and their colors are Hazel"

Again. That cheeky smile.

"But I think I'll call you Sunshine" Blake said

"But why?"

"Because you're my sunshine of course" Blake said with a cheeky smile

My heart fluttered a bit at the memory

But before I knew it Blake was sprinting away from the building

"It can't be" I thought to myself

I tried to shake the thought out of my head and walked back to my seat

The teacher was still asleep so I just continued scrolling on my phone but for some reason I can't get what Blake said out of my head.


I quickly ran off and met up with Marcellus and we both waited near the school gate for Leon to come out

That deaf bastard

After waiting for a couple minutes I finally saw Leon walk out from the far right of the building

Marcellus and I walked over to Leon creeping up on him and Marcellus quickly pulled Leon's hand behind him to refrain Leon from fighting back

I yanked on Leon's hair pulling his face up so he's facing me

I bend down to his level

Not so deaf now are we?

"What do you want" He spat. He tried to seem strong but I knew his soul was weeping and trembling in fear.

Marcellus kicked the joint of his leg making Leon fall to the ground

"Hey, Hey easy there we don't want to hurt our little friend do we?" I say to Marcellus chuckling gently slapping Leon's cheek

"Listen we don't want to hurt you ok? So lets just come to an agreement alright?" I smirked at Leon

Leon quickly nodded

He's just like a scared little chicken

"Empty his pockets" I nodded at Marcellus

Marcellus reached into Leon's pant pockets moving his hand around to see if there was anything inside. He did the same with the other side.

All that fell out was a couple dollar bills and some coins.

I scoff

So useless

I then throw Leon's backpack to Marcellus for him to check

He started throwing the contents of Leon's bag on the ground

Idiot he didn't have to throw them on the ground

I noticed Leon's phone fall on the ground

"There's nothing interesting here" Marcellus said throwing the bag onto the ground along with the contents inside.

I picked up the phone and saw a message from someone rather familiar

I smirked. Hazel.

I put the phone in front of Leon's face so it unlocks. I then reset the password to 05 10 06.

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