Chapter 6-Experiment 1702

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After sitting the small toy in the testing space and the door shuts you looked back at the doctors around you "What happened??" you asked very confused, normally the professionals would put the subjects to sleep using the poppy gas like they did to Huggy, some ignored you as they wander away to do their work, and some try to stay around before they get assured away by the main doctor. The main doctor looks at you "Apparently 1702 has some sort of resistance to the poppy gas" he explains rather bluntly, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance "Which makes transfer more difficult and more prone of it escaping" he continued, picking up a clipboard and handing it to you "You have 10 minutes, 1702s assignment is more easier than 1170 so you should be fine with this one" he says in a dismissal tone before walking away.

Before you scan the document on the clipboard you here small tapping coming from the glass, you couldn't help but take a look and turn around to look at the glass wall. 1702 stands at the very edge of the glass wall, looking at you with big eyes. He is a little yellow rabbit dressed in green overalls, small amount of green clown makeup, and has a little green party hat on top of his head, there is marks on his paws like something was strapped to his palms previously. His rosy cheeks damp with tears as he tries to say something to you with shaky like movement, like a child struggling to talk but was crying to hard. You feel guilty that you unfortunately can't hear what he's saying... You look away to read what's on the clipboard, resulting in continuous tapping as if 1702 is desperately trying to get your attention.

"Experiment 1702- 'Bunzo bunny'


Just like Huggy wuggys, the subjects name was marked out with black sharpie. Like the subject never had a name to begin with or was classified.

"Subject displays large amounts of hyperactivity and is unwilling to listen to other staff, it tends to be fast as 1170 and jumps at approximately 10 feet, half the height 1090 can jump. Subject's cymbals was confiscated as they are very sharp and almost made 2 personnel deaf by slamming it close to their ears.

Subject must be able to control its lack of obedience, pay attention to orders properly, sing happy birthday the 'correct way', and control the urge to harm staff and kids. If subject does not show improvement then it must be transferred to water treatment immediately"

This was the general contents of the document, it is a lot shorter than Huggy's that's for sure, which is expected as 1702 is brand new. Practically days old from what you hear from the mumbles of some busy doctors yesterday. You looked back at 1702 or now 'Bunzo', who had now gave up trying to catch your attention and sits still facing the glass wall. His arms are folded and the place where his eyebrows should be are furrowed with his mouth twisted into a frown.... He is pouting like a 5 year old, after having a tantrum that did not make him have his way. You feel that Bunzo may be a little bit more easier then Huggy, he still seems like a kid that doesn't even realize what happened to him just yet, like he is still who he was before.

One of the head doctors gestures for you to get ready to enter the chamber at the 9 minute mark, you feel a whole lot more confident of this assignment than before, Bunzo is very small and less hostile, helping him might be easier than Huggy. Right at the 10 minute mark the door opens and you quickly ran inside before Bunzo had the chance to beeline for the door, he quickly stood up and still seems upset. Pouting with his arms folded, while tapping his foot repeatedly like a angry rabbit "Why did you ignore me!? That was mean!" he shouted in frustration, wiping away his angry and scared tears "I'm sorry I ignored you like that, I can't hear what you was saying through the glass" you explained to him, he continued to pout "Can you tell me what you was saying?" you added, Bunzo uncrosses his arms in response "I don't like this place, all the adults are mean here..." Bunzo looks down and twiddle his thumbs "and the tall blue kid said you can help?" he adds, does he mean Huggy? Huggy spoke to him and told him to ask for your help?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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