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TW for SA in this chapter.

Their first date re-enacted actually left the couple a lot more relaxed with each other than they were feeling before.

Especially since they had the time to just go and talk about their feelings, throwing everything open on the table.

When they left the restaurant, the couple was closer than ever before. They got back into Ale's Cupra after leaving a tip for the restaurant. When Alexia sat behind the wheel, she looked at her blonde wife who was looking tired. "Do you just want to go home or do you have energy for a little more?"

Thalia looked at Alexia and shook her head. "No, sorry. I'm really tired."

The athlete nodded her head and drive them home. Alexia went out to walk with Nala while the blonde went upstairs to change in some pajamas, hugging her birth stuffed animal close to her.

She went on her phone and scrolled through the messages, answering everyone and then went on instagram, a small smile on her lips when she read the comments under the barca femini post about Jana and Cata being back on the field for the first time.

Alexia had been right, there were also a lot of people who had commented positive things about Thalia being alongside the two players. In the past few years Thalia tended to forget that she was slowly also becoming one of the main faces within Barcelona. She just said that she liked to do her job but combined with who her sister is and the fact that she was married to la reina of Barcelona, her status had also shot up. Everyone was always amazed at the fact of how quick and how well players tended to return to the field within the Barcelona female team. She had come to love the girls from the bottom of her heart and she loved working with them.

Just as she was about to put her phone away, it started to buzz and a picture of Ona popped on her screen. The blonde raised an eyebrow and picked up, bringing the phone to her ear. "Hola Ona."

"Hey Lia. I need your help with something."

Ona sounded troubled so Thalia rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up, taking measures so she wouldn't fall asleep during the call, unable to stop a yawn from escaping. "Yeah, what do you need help with?" 

"I'm sorry, were you planning on sleeping? I'm so sorry."

Ona sounded so off. Thalia cracked her neck and shook her head.

"It's fine Ona. Please tell me what's bothering you."

Alexia also came back from her walk with Nala in the meantime, when they entered the bedroom, Alexia looked questionably at Thalia about why she was sitting up in the bed with the lights on. Thalia mouthed Ona's name. Alexia nodded her head and changed into her pajamas, going to the bathroom to wipe the make up off of her face and to brush her teeth before joining Thalia in the bed, calmly going on her own phone to scroll through social media.

"I haven't really talked to anyone about this, but I haven't been able to sleep for the past couple of weeks, do you have any tips?"

Thalia thought for a moment, another yawn escaping her mouth. "Sorry about that, uhm, did you already try to drink warm milk or tea with honey? Those things also tend to help someone sleep sometimes. Wait, what is the reason that you can't sleep in the first place?"

Ona fell silent for a couple of seconds, Alexia running her hand over Thalia's thigh absentmindedly.

At such a simple, loving act and the fact that they felt okay after so long, combined with the pregnancy, made Thalia's hormones act up, her body heating up. Alexia pretended like she didn't notice, still scrolling through instagram and answering some dms with one hand while her other hand slowly krept up on Thalia's thigh, now reaching the brim of Thalia's shorts.

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