19. 2.0.

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A/N: here is the actual continuation of the story. The beginning will be exactly the same as the last chapter up until the chaos begins. I will put it in bold letters when it's the new part.

The four of them and Nala, who was now acting as a professional therapy dog, had been waiting anxiously for hours. Because it was a surgery on the heart, they had to crack Thalia's sternum open to be able to reach the heart in the first place.

And then there was the fact that they had to perform surgery on it, one wrong movement and Thalia would be a goner.

It was a very heavy surgery. A nurse had stopped by the room in the meantime to give the family updates about Thalia's condition and the surgery.

Up until now everything was going alright.

They had succesfully cracked her sternum open which would give them the access they needed to reach the heart. They had also done a full examination on the heart and everything simply just seemed to be going well.

Alexia being the one that asked the nurse if that meant that Thalia would be alright.

Continuation of the story!!!!!!

"She is stable for now. We will do everything we can to have a succesfull surgery."

Everyone nodded their heads and the nurse turned around to leave again.

After the update, everyone was still really nervous, the clock ticking agonizingly slow.

But after 2 hours, one of the surgeons entered the room and looked at Alexia the family. "The surgery was succesfull. We are now letting her wake up, she will be moved back to this room soon. More information will follow soon."

Everyone let out a breath that they didn't know they were holding. It seemed as if they all had thought the same horrible idea of Thalia dying.

But she survived.

They didn't need to wait long at 15 minutes later, the blondie was wheeled into the room. She was asleep, still a little drugged up from the anesthesia, her whole chest wrapped up in bandages.

Thalia's blue eyes slowly opened, they were glassed over but soon turned big. "Is this what heaven feels like? Because there is no way that so many pretty people can be in the same room at once."

A relieved chuckled grew in the room, Alexia gently sitting down besides the girl, taking her hand and holding it gently. Thalia's eyes widened. "Heeeyyyy! You're beautiful and all, but I have a wife. No touchey touchey."

Everyone laughed which got Thalia confused. She was definitely still drugged up because of the effects of the anesthesia.

"Thalia, she is your wife." The blonde looked at her twin, her face pulled back, one eyebrow raised really high. "Noooo my wife wears a Barcelona jersey! She plays for Barca! She's reaaally good. Can you all keep a secret from my wife?"

Everyone nodded their heads, trying to hold back their laughter. "Hmmmm. I am planning a full out wedding for us since the last one was less than what she deserved."

Everyone's jaw dropped as the blonde giggled and put her finger to her lips.

That's when Nala barked happily and all of Thalia's thoughts were swept away to only think about the dog who was gently placed besides her.

Thalia's eyes were big and filled with happiness as she looked at the little dog, talking to Nala in a baby voice while patting the dog. "You are soooo adorable! Who is your owner? Doesn't matter. You're mine now. What is your name? Hmmm... I think that I will call you Nala." The little dog barked happily at her name, licking Thalia's face.

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