●•Chapter Two•●

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A few days had passed since Nate joined Fairy Tail. Almost immediately, the guild members welcomed him with open arms. The barmaid, Julia Garder or commonly known as the Lightning Goddess, Julie. She's also an S-class mage in the guild besides the well known Gildarts.

Julie gave Nate some warm food and stamped his guild mark on the right side of his back. Some of the members gave him some clothes as he didn't bring anything with him except for his long swords.

Despite already settled in, it took some time for him to hang out or play with the other kids like Natsu and Gray. Aside from getting challenged into a fight by Natsu, Nate would play with with the loud pink haired brat and Gray. And trained with them while Erza overlook their training and also teaching Natsu how to read. Mira and her siblings always around and unlike their bully of a sister, Lisanna and Elfman would talk to Nate, even introduced Nate to Elfman's pet parakeet. Cana would sit around and pointed out to Gray on how he strips without noticing. But Nate sometimes noticed how distracted Cana was as if something is on her mind, bothering her.

As Nate finished his breakfast, Natsu barged into the guild hall and running towards him before he jumped and did a flying kick towarsa him. Nate easily dodged as it was easy with all the yelling he did. Even though Nate didn't want to hurt him but after a few flips, punches and kicks to both parties, he actually found it to be quite fun.

Nate jumped from his seat as Natsu crashed his seat with his fist. "So close!" Said Natsu, getting annoyed. "But no cigar!" Nate's fist connected to Natsu's face and sent him flying into some chairs and tables, also some other members who started running away and yelling at them. "Come on, Natsu. Can't we fight later today instead early in the morning?" Said Nate before he quickly dodged rapid punches from Natsu. Blocking them and swatted them away. "Are you trying to get in trouble with Erza?!" Nate said and Natsu froze in fear, thinking about what he said.

His thoughts was interrupted with a chair thrown at him by none other then the half naked ice mage, Gray. He smirked and cracked his knuckles. Nate groaned, "Damn it, Gray! That fight was almost over!" Nate said before he dodged and eventually got hit with Gray's punches. "Well, now it just got started! Round two!" He said and Natsu joined in. "Damn it!" Nate yelles back, fighting for hus peaceful morning until...

"Knock it off!" The three of them received a hard blow on the head, knocked out instantly and the fight was over. Erza sighed and put her hands on ger hips. The guild members let out a sigh of relief as the chaos died down.


Cana was sitting by herself at a table, staring at the entrance, as if waiting for somebody to walk through the door. Nate noticed and walked up to her, "Hey, Cana. You're okay?" He asked and took a seat across from her. She put on a smile, "I think that question should implied to you, don't you think?" She said. Nate chuckled, rubbing his throbbing head. "Ahaha, I guess you're right. But really, is something on your mind? I noticed since the day I came here, you seemed like you are looking or waiting for someone. Everything alright?" Nate asked.

Cana was surprised he noticed. She looked down at the table, playing with her hands before she answered. "Actually, the reason why I joined Fairy Tail, is because I'm looking for someone." She explained, but not entirely. Nate kept quiet and stared at her until he smiled, "I see. Well, if you ever need any help, just ask. And come on, live a little." Said Nate and he stood up and took Cana's hand. She was about to decline but Nate took her to the park where the others are.

When they arrived, they noticed there aren't a lot of kids around. In fact, there were just Natsu, Gray, Erza, Mira and her siblings along with a group of older kids, teens actually. Nate saw Natsu and Gray were on the ground, kneeling in pain while glaring at the teens whom snickered and looking down on them. Lisanna was unharmed but the others were pretty rough up. "What happened?" Cana gasped in surprised. "Let's go!" Said Nate, running faster.

"Not so tough now, are ya?" One of the teens said.

Another laughed and jeered, "My dad was right. Fairy Tail is nothing without Gildarts! They're just a bunch of drunk fools with Gildarts carrying them!" The boy said.

"How pathetic! Lame!" Another teased and about to swung the pipe in his hand at Mira. Mira was too injured to dodged and prepared for the blow but it never came. She opened her eyes to see Nate stood in front of her, blocking the pipe with his arm. "What are you doing?" Nate asked, flaring at the bully in front of him. The boy winced in fear and backed off. Cana went to Mira's side, "Mira! Are you okay?! Guys?!" She asked, looking at the others while Lisanna cried, holding onto Elfman whom held her close while bleeding on his head.

"We'll live..thanks to you two.." Said Mira, wincing and grunting in pain. "What the hell did you do to my friends? What kind of trash hit a girl?" Said Nate, his anger at its boiling point. He clenched his fist, his right hand emitting frost smoke. The leader of the teens scoffed, "You think you can save your weak friends? Remember, use your magic on us and your guild is going to get it by our parents!" He said and they laughed. Natsu, Gray, Erza, Cana and Mira glared at them. "In that case, I won't use magic then." Said Nate and tossed his swords to Cana before running and jumped at one of them, punching hard than he ever punched at his face. The teen boy left the ground and landed a few feet away.

The other two attacked Nate. Nate dodged and hit them back but got hit as well until Natsu and Gray joined, using what little strength left they had. The leader got up and picked up the pipe and about to hit Nate from behind before Erza yelled, struck the teen with her wooden sword with such speed and strength while Mira jumped at one of the other two and bit his arm. The teen yelled in pain as Mira bite down his arm and tried to pull her away by pulling her hair. Nate saw this and jumped at the teen, tackled him down and kept punching his face while Mira kicked his family jewels

The teens picked themselves up and ran away. "You'll regret this, you brats!" One of them said as they ran off. Nate and the others were bruised and tired but they cheered as they won the fight. From the fight, their bonds become stronger. "I coulda beat them all, you know." Said Natsu, grinning and snickering. Gray scoffed and had his arms crossed, "I could say the same thing for myself." He said with a grin. Erza put her hands on their shoulders, "But we beat them together, because we're a team." She said. The two smirked, agreeing with her as they held each other and walk back to the guild. Lisanna held Elfman, despite of his size, and helped him walk. Nate held out his hand to Mira while Cana held his swords in his arm.

"Come on, let's go home." Said Nate. Mira looked at his hand and to him before she smiled. "Yeah..thanks, Nate." She said and grabbed his hand.

"Could you guys hurry up? These swords are so heavy...! Nate, how the heck can you carry them around?!" Said Cana, sweating and struggling. Nate chuckled and quickly took them from Cana. "With a lot of training. Thanks for holding onto them for me. Let's go and get yelled at and patched up." He said, holding Mira on his left with the help of Cana while holding his swords on his right hand. Mira groaned, "Not looking forward at the yelling part...".


As years passed, they used their strong bonds when they out doing quest. Getting better in both their magic and teamwork, slowly making a name of themselves. They grew into teenagers, stronger than before. Nate is now nineteen years-old, and soon he is about to start his own adventure without the support of his new family.

Author's Note: Hello, my dearest readers! Seriously, hello and how are you? I hope you like the chapters so far and if there is something off with this chapter, I can explain. Please, let me cook.

I'm not feeling very well, so you should know how our brains work when we're unwell. Second, I was having the  blockiest of writer's block that could ever block in my whole life. So, apologies and please let me know if there's anything to improve. Heck, if I see anything that can be better, Imma edit myself, don't you worry!

Introducing to another OC character, S-Class Lightning Demon Slayer, Julia Garder. If any of you have a better suggestion for her name, please knock yourselves out. I had a better name for her but her name is still Julia or Julie. And as always, I forgot...*sigh* I should write stuff like this down.

Anywho, thanks for reading and voting! It means a lot for my heart and soul! Thank you again, and have a good day!

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