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Brimmy, Millie, and Ag2 all turned to Kevin. "You know her?" Brimmy asked. Kevin looked at them all and nodded, "You don't?"

"I've never seen her around.." Ag2 said, "How'd you guys even meet?"

"I mean, I don't really know her. I've just seen her around and said 'hi' to her like once or twice." Kevin admitted. The rest of the group said "ohhh" in unison.

"So, what's she doing with Stan anyway?" Millie decided to ask. Though, Brimmy still seemed uneasy about the topic of Stan. "I don't know." Kevin said. "Should we go over?"

"No!" Brimmy blurted out. The group turned to look at him. "I mean.. I don't think he'd like to see me right now."

"Are you sure you aren't just scared to talk to *him*?" Millie joked, but Ag2 nudged her arm since it wasn't exactly the right time.

Brimmy stayed silent for a moment before saying, "Can we just go somewhere else?" Kevin looked worried for Brimmy, "Sure, Brim." Kevin said.

There was an awkward silence as the bright lights walked through the sidewalks, away from the park. It's like the mention of Stan just completely ruined the vibe. Ag2 sighed before attempting to ease up some of the tension, "Hey, why should we continue moping about what happened between Stan? Let's just try to enjoy our day today, alright? We clearly all need a break." Millie and Kevin smiled at Ag2's attempt. And Brimmy appreciated it as well. "You're right." Brimmy said, smiling slightly. "Geez, how are you so good at these sorta things, Two?" Brimmy asked in a joking tone, but he was serious. "You just get used to it!" Ag2 responded simply.

*Stan's POV*

As Stan and Red were talking and starting to become friends, that's when he saw Brimmy. He was with Ag2, Millie, and *Kevin*. He had the urge to just get up and walk over to them, but before he got the chance they were suddenly gone. Red noticed how Stan went silent and she decided to speak up, "You okay?" Stan snapped out of it and turned his head to Red. "Oh, yeah. I just saw something." Stan said. He then got up from the bench he was seated at. "I think I better get going." He said. Red felt a bit disappointed but it was his choice, so she nodded her head. "Ah, of course! See you around?" Stan nodded. "See ya."

As Stan started to walk away, he heard Red call for him. "Wait!" She said as she was walking towards him. "What's your number?" She asked cheerfully as she offered her phone. Stan paused for a moment. "Oh! Yeah, let me just.." Stan took Red's phone for a second and put down his number as a contact. "Text me whenever." He said before walking away, leaving Red standing there. Red had the biggest smile on her face as she watched Stan walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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