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we didn't realise we had powers until the day after the storm when we were at Franklin's house. we were in the garden and Franklin was stroking the neighbors cat when suddenly it exploded spraying a fine mist of blood and entrails all over us...we all scrammed like little girls

James was the first to say " what the hell was that!" none of us knew.  we freaked out a bit more and cleaned up the mess and Franklin had to apologise to the neighbors we were laughing at him, it want until Danielle Franklin's older sister turned on the TV and watched the news she shouted us in to have a look. someone else who was caught in the storm had developed powers they had the abilty to move objects with their mind. every channel was filled with news about this amazing person. thats when i realised what happened: Franklin had a power like this guy, at the time i didn't realise we all had super powers but i was so exited  i thought we could all be super heros!. i was wrong.

over the next few weeks things changed: all 4 of us realised we had powers, other people did to, the crime rate went way up, the police ran, the government barricaded the city..we were trapped, many people were killed, Franklin's family was the first to go; they died in a car crash,only him and his sister remained they stayed at home, James' was next the car they were in was hit by a train as they went across the crossing, mine was nest they were mugged and shot, and Davids just left without him; he came home one day and they were just gone. the city descended into anarchy, with our homes gone we took refuge in our was abandoned of course

so now its just me and my girlfriend Chantelle, David and his girlfriend Lauren, Franklin and his girlfriend Jess, Danielle and her boyfriend Ste, and James (all alone) only me Franklin, James and David have powers but all 9 of us live in the school. that is why we call ourselves class 401.

Me with my control over time and space (its not as cool as you think) franklin with his control of the elements, david with the ability to morph parts of his body into diferent shapes and substances and james with his unimagainable speed.

Class 401Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ