Always him

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Pete said angrily Venice , who was sitting next to his Pa was also furious. Last time this nasty auntie had bullied him and his Pa, and now she was looking for trouble again. He felt very angry, so he immediately stood up and kicked Ging 's leg.

You are a bad woman I won't allow you to bully my Pa.

Ging had not expected him to kick her. She immediately scolded him.

you little brat I'll teach you a lesson.

She raised her hand to hit him, but Pete quickly stopped her and slapped her in the face.
What right do you have to discipline my son.

get lost the slap was hard and caused Ging 's face to turn red her entire life. No one had ever dared to lay a hand on her. She cried to Ben ,

oh, he slapped me, I only wanted to disciplines Venice, but he slapped me.

Seeing that Ging was being bullied. Ben 's face darkened. He said coldly . Pete that was too much apologize to Ging right now.

You're asking me to apologize to her don't be ridiculous.

he wouldn't budge. he felt disgusted just looking at Ben s face.
Ben saw that he was being stubborn and he felt a bit awkward. Pete the reason I'm still talking to you so patiently is because of our past relationship don't push your luck. he found this amusing and raised his eyebrows and distain. when did I ask you to do that, you'd better stay away from me and get out of my sight. he Saw the disgusting his eyes and knew he had a lot nerve. He understood that this Pete was no longer the man who had loved him so dearly he was furious. He angrily grabbed his collar.

You really think I won't hit you. Venice saw his Pa being threatened and cried out.

if you hurt my Pa, my dad won't let you get away with it.
When Ging heard that she snickered, haha your dad, Vegas Theerapanyakul he's not even your father just because he's rich you can't go around calling him dad who knows where you came from you are just a bastard.

although Venice didn't understand all the words, he knew that Ging was mocking him for not having a father. He stood there in a daze really hurt. Pete instantly became angry and defensive. Venice was the most important person in his life Had never been scolded like this didn't Ging realize how much damage he was doing by saying those words to a child he was so enraged that he pushed Ben away, picked up a steak knife from the table and held it against Ging 's neck with bloodshot eyes. he said,  I dare you to say that one more time.

the scene immediately descended into chaos. Ging hadn't expected her brother to do such a thing When he looks so fragile for a moment , he didn't dare to react.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the restaurant, Vegas was watching the scene unfold. He had come in to eat with some friends, but he heard a commotion, and when he looked over he has seen the Father and child again his eyes flashed, but he concealed his emotions at once, he lowered his head, wanting to mind his own business, and not think about him But then he overheard that they were once again being mocked and ridiculed from.

their conversation it seemed that the reason Pete had not left the country was most likely because he was being threatened by his family. He didn't know why, but after hearing this, he realized that he had misunderstood him again, and then he had not lied to him. A strange, feeling suddenly surged up in his heart. he was still a stranger to him. He didn't intend to help.

He watched silently from the sidelines. his eyes widened when he saw Pete , holding a steak knife against his stepsister's neck Vegas never thought Pete was capable of doing something like this when he was furious at that moment, Kinn , who was sitting beside him, spotted what was going on, and said excitedly,

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