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Brimmy told Stan he was at the store but in reality he was at Fish's house. They were hooking up when Stan texted Brimmy, "Hey, where you at?" Brimmy paused his time with Fish and checked the text message he was just sent. His eyes widened in horror as he realized he had been gone for over 3 hours. He rushed out of Fish's house and went over to Stan's. He burst through the door to find Stan hooking up with some rando on the couch. The random scattered like a rapid dog and left Stan and Brimmy facing eachother. Brimmy yelled at Stan, "How could you do this to me?! After everything we've done-"
"You cheated on me first!" Stan interrupted. He secretly knew all along about Brimmy cheating on him with Fish and decided to do the same behind Brimmy's back. The two argued for hours before Stan yelled at Brimmy, "I'm taking the kids!" And he pushed Brimmy out the door. Brimmy was left outside in the cold rain, he fell to his knees and tears streamed down his face.

southparkk_collabs0 lore part 1Where stories live. Discover now