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The next day, Shuichi was contemplating on what he was about to do and what hes about to say, after tough choices has been made, he finally decidEd to go on that mountain and confront Kokichi, the moment he saw him up there, Kokichi was with Aoi, she seems happy about something, Shuichi takes a deep breath and approach them

Aoi: wow! Wow! Wow! Congrats! This is the greatest news ever!
Shuichi: umm hi...
Aoi: huh?! You! Your that boy who was with those meanies! What do you want?!
Shuichi: plz i mean no harm! I... i just... i need to talk to you... Kokichi...
Aoi: no- uh?

Kokichi stops Aoi from snapping at Shuichi and signal her to give them space, she wants to refuse but understands and leaves

Kokichi: *sigh* w...what d-do.... you... w-want...
Shuichi: uh! You can talk again!
Kokichi: ....
Shuichi: right, right... sorry... um look i know your mad at us, mad at me... and I'm sorry for everything that we did and say to you, you can be angry at us all you want once we are all back in the real world but plz... just help us this once
Kokichi: no
Shuichi: uh... ugh... for god shakes plz Kokichi! Can't you just be understanding for once?!

Keade: oh no
Rantaro: oh crap
Maki: dang
Kaito: sidekick no!
Himiko: we're doomed
Miu: we're gonna be stuck here forever!!!

Shuichi: all this time i just wanted things to be normal and try to help others not to give up hope but it always you who come along and ruin everything!! Why do you have to be so selfish all the time?!?!

Kokichi simply looks down, Shuichi realise what he said and knew that he mess up badly but was shock the moment he sees Kokichi look up laughing

Kokichi: haha... ha- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH w-would you argh! Look a-at that!! Hahahahahaha! The detective is c-calling me selfish!!
Shuichi: n-no i-
Kokichi: why t-t-the h-hell can't you take a h-hint?! I don't trust you!! *cough* I don't trust... any... of you hypocrites!! Not after why you done!! You think... e-everything... is all about Hope... and friendship... don't you?! W-well new flash... the world dosent revolve around you! You idiots... argh... arent the only ones who s-suffered!! When you... f-first got trapped... in there... none of y-you... could give 2 shit... about the other... but the moment someone died... you all c-cried and balled up... a-as if you known each other sience birth... *cough* Its pathetic!
Shuichi: i-
Kokichi: you are all nothing but hypocrites!! Argh...Puppets on a string... played by the mastermind!! And y-you!! Your the worst h-hypocrite of them a-all Shuichi Saihara!! You did all of the m-masterminds dirty work!! Framing Keade for something she didnt do... *Cough* and killing her for no reason...
Shuichi: but-
Kokichi: argh... all that time... you kept talking about having hope! Finding the truth... while I-i-i was right here... hinting to you... what you wanted soooooo badly! That know was a lie! The w-world... you saw was a lie! Your talent was a lie! Everything! But y-you just... can't take the h-hint can't you?! You wanted... to save your f-friends... than all you s-should have done... on t-that trial... was just... geuss w-wrong... and get it o-over with!  You! W-were the real blackened! I thought you... would at least spare your "friend"... K-kaito but noooooo... you went ahead... and killed him too! And now your b-begging me... to t-take you to the real world...? So what?! So you can manipulate and k-kill more people?! Over my dead crushed rotten body!!! Argh! *Cough*
Shuichi: no!! Thats not what i wanted at all!! I-
Aoi: enough! He just got his voice back and now your forcing him to scream?! Can you get any worse?! Just leave us alone!!
Shuichi: but I ....

Miu: wiat ta fucking go Shuichi!!! Now we're never gonna get out of here!!!
Shuichi: I'm sorry...
Maki: its fine, i know you needed to take it off your shoulders sooner or later
Shuichi: *sigh* I'm just a terrible friend...
Kaito: no your not Shuichi, its my turn to give it a go, I'm gonna try to talk to him too, our convo isnt going to be pleasant but welp sience when did we ever had a pleasant conversation? Besides he might be more angry with me sience i screw up his plan to end the game, exposed his murder trick and his last words... uhhh... he might as well take it all out on me, but hey its good to have a heart to heart convo, helps you get to know each other better
Shuichi: Kaito... im sorry...
Kaito: don't worry about it sidekick, you did good, now leave it all to me

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