Stealing looks

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No wonder, I was becoming a 'pagal.'

After the encounter I had with him. My heart feels restless and my eyes are dying to look into his.

I don't know what the heck is happening to me!!

Ughhhh, it irritates me.

As I was engrossed I'm my thoughts. My trans of thoughts broke from a voice coming from the stage.

As the buzz of conversations gradually subsided, Rajmata stepped onto the stage, her presence commanding respect and admiration.

With a powerful smile,she addressed the gathered guests, "The royal family warmly welcomes all of you. We are truly delighted that you could join us for this momentous and beautiful occasion, the coronation of our crowned prince, Abhimanyu Veer Singh Rajvanshi!"

My heart skipped a beat at the name, the sensation, the feeling of something different ran through me.

As Abhimanyu walked onto the stage
his cold and enigmatic demeanor
seemed to give way to a newfound
sense of poise and authority. He
carried himself with regal elegance, a testament to the grace with which he was to lead the kingdom.

His presence gave me peace and my heart felt something unusual inside.

Rajmata continued her speech, "Today, we celebrate not just the crowning of a king but the beginning of a new era for Rajasthan. We place our trust and hopes in our crowned prince, Abhimanyu Singh Rajvanshi, to carry forward the legacy of our ancestors and to steer our kingdom towards a brighter future." She said.

Tbh, it felt weird to me. Not the feelings, not anything. But still something did!

Her words resonated through the
courtyard, and I could feel the weight of responsibility resting on Abhimanyu's shoulders. He was now the symbol of continuity, the representative of tradition and progress- a leader who would shape the destiny of the kingdom.

The ceremony began with a spiritual
touch, as Rajasthan's coronation had
always been a blend of tradition and
sacred rituals apparently. The spiritual way of crowning kings in Rajasthan is a reflection of the region's rich culture and beliefs. The royal priest chanted sacred mantras, invoking the blessings of the deities and ancestors, seeking guidance and wisdom for the new king's rule.

With a sense of solemnity, Rajmata
handed Abhimanyu a sword, the
traditional sword symbolizing
Respect, fear, valor and protection.

Alongside the sword, she presented a small knife, representing the responsibility to uphold justice and defend the kingdom. As he held these symbolic objects in his hands, it signified his acceptance of the weighty duties of a king.

Taking his place at the center of the
stage, Abhimanyu prepared to take several vows, his hand resting firmly on the sword.

The vows he would recite were not just mere words but sacred promises that bound him to the welfare of his people and the prosperity of the kingdom.

With grace and determination,
Abhimanyu began to recite the vows, his authority filled voice resonating through the courtyard.

Each vow carried the value that guided Rajasthan royalty for centuries.

With each vow, he pledged to protect and serve his people, to uphold justice, to nurture the heritage and culture of Rajasthan, and to make decisions that would benefit the kingdom as a whole.

Once the vows were complete, a
moment of reverence fell upon the
courtyard. the guests watched in
Respect as the new king embraced his role with dignity and determination

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