Ashley Purdy

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Sky and I were walking through the mall with the BVB gang. me and Ashley walked together and talked, I have a small crush on Ashley but we have became such great friends I didn't want to rune it. CC and Jinxx knew I did too and were even teasing me about it. Ashley was wearing his cowboy hat but had his hello kitty hat in the other hand. I was wearing this "___" Ashley said snapping out of my trans, "Come on, there's a photo both. you wanna go in there with me?" "Sure" I said shyly. we walked over, leaving the guys at Hot Topic. we got in the both and Ashley put in the dollar. "Alright here" Ashley said handing me his cowboy hat. I took it and put it on, while he put on his hello kitty beanie. The first picture we took was silly faces, then i hugged Ashley from behind, next pulled me on to his lap and gave me a nuggy. I was getting ready for the next photo (the nice looking picture) when Ashley suddenly kissed me. it was rough but passionate, shocked at first, I soon melted into the kiss. There was a flash of light, which meant the both took our photo . Ashley pulled back slowly, "___", he began, "I've loved you since the day I've meant you. your beautiful, smart, sweet, caring, funny, and totally cool. I know that you've heard a lot of stories about me being a man-whore but I can change, I swear, I wont cheat, I'll be loyal. I want you to be mine forever please. I-I love you." "Ash I don't care about those stories, I love you, and I trust you." an with that a wide grin spread across his face and pulled me into another kiss. we got out to find everybody waiting on us, they were smiling and chuckling. "its about time" Andy said holding up the pictures, pointing to the last one where we kissed. Ashley explained on how Andy knew that he had a crush on you.

When we got home, Ashley and I made sweet love to Rebel Love Song and every second was love not lust and it was amazing. I woke up cuddle and wrapped in Ashley's arms, he was watching me sleep but not in that kind of stalker way. "morning my rebel queen" he said cupping the back of my neck and giving me a kiss. "morning my rebel king" I said kissing back. we both laughed and snuggled in bed before getting up and getting dressed.

2 weeks later

"babe" I yelled as I entered the door," I'm home" no answer
babe?" I say running up the stairs. I go into the bedroom and see the bathroom light on. I knock on the door and ___ answers, "hay, what's wrong"I ask knowing something's wrong. "come here, i need to show you something" she says with a bit of worried in her voice. "ok'' I walk into the bathroom with her, she stands by the sink with her head down, she motions her hand toward the sink, so I take a look inside and see 4 pregnancy test all saying positive. night then positions herself as if she's about to get hit, "sorry, please don't leave" she says. I then wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into to a big bear hug, "why are you sorry, I'm so happy we're going to have a family" I say calming her down.

you guys end up having 3 kids, 2 girls, and 1 boy (you pick the names). and Ashley proposed to you causing your water to break on your first pregenancy( the excitement was to much for you to take in)

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