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I few weeks had passed, and I had almost forgotten of Jove completely. I had begun seeing a beautiful and kind girl named Linda, she had short blonde silk hair and a sweet smile. We knew each other mutually through school and I had happened to bump into her after church one Sunday afternoon. 

That day we had made plans to watch 'Holiday for Lovers' truthfully I didn't know much about the film but Linda insisted on seeing it. As we arrived and bought tickets I saw in the corner of my eye a tall handsome man, I spun my head around to look at the man when I realized it was Jove. I was unsure if I should walk up to him and say anything in case he didn't remember me but Linda grabbed my hand and pulled me over to his direction anyway. We stood in line behind him for popcorn, I could smell his cologne and see his beautiful smooth hair. Linda asked me what I wanted to eat but I wasn't paying attention, she asked again but this time Jove turned around. 

"Oh, hello. You're Leo right?" He looked me up and down while holding his wallet. "I think we bumped into each other a couple of weeks ago." This time he asked.

"Yeah, Leo." I smiled at him. Linda looked at Jove confused, I didn't bother to introduce her. "What movie are you guys planning on seeing?" I continued the conversation with Jove.

"Holiday for Lovers, what about you?"

"Same here." I thought for a moment and smiled. "Maybe we could do a double date?" I asked, then shook my head. "Like you me and our girlfriends. Not us two, obviously." I blushed and waited in anticipation for his girlfriend to say something.

"Sounds like a plan!" Jove's girlfriend smiled at Linda and me. "My name's Elizabeth, but most people call me Betty." She gave Linda a hug.

"I'm Linda." She smiled at Jove and Betty.

"I'm L-" I began but Betty interrupted.

"Leo, I met you at the grocery store as well." She chuckled. Jove and I stood, staring at each other. Betty grabbed Jove's arm and ordered their food.

After we watched the movie we arranged to meet up again and hopefully go on more double dates. I gave Jove my home line number so he would be able to call me and we could set up times. 

It was only a day until Jove called, he asked about setting up a double date and then ended up chatting more and more exclusively. One night we stayed up until 2 a.m. it was then that I felt confident enough to ask him out. 

"Would you want to hang out sometime just us?" I asked anxiously, the line paused and I almost hung up out of embarrassment. 

"I would love that." I smiled and did a small victory dance and wished him a good night after that.

We hung out two days after that initial call, it was a delightful August afternoon. We had planned a picnic a couple of miles outside of town at a local park. I drove to pick him up from his parent's cabin over on the affluent side of town. Luckily his girlfriend had already left for the summer and wouldn't be of any bother. Once we arrived at the park we had to walk to the top of a hill and lay out our food. 

He brought cookies, fruit, and sandwiches and I brought lemonade and vegetables. We sat over looking the town and all of its natural beauty. The conversation came very naturally, we sat for hours until we realized it was getting late.

"Best be heading home now I guess." I smiled wearily, not wanting to leave the sanctuary we had created. 

"If we must." He rolled his eyes and pushed me lightly, his touch electrifying my skin.

I dropped him off at his cabin and as he was getting out of the car, he smiled at me.

"Thanks for such a great day." He said, the sun swept over his face in such a perfect manner.

"Do you want to go out to dinner with me this Tuesday evening?" I asked. My palms heating up and the embarssment creeping in.

"I'd love nothing more." He began walking away and I pulled my car out of the driveway. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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