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"Did you like seeing the vivisteria, (Y/N)?" her father asked.

"Uh huh! It was pretty!" a little water girl said, smiling up at her father.

As they walked out of Garden Central Station, there was someone yelling. Peering around, (Y/N) saw a guard telling a fire person that he and his son couldn't go in. It was obvious that the man was angry at the discrimination.

(Y/N) frowned, not knowing why they couldn't go in. Didn't they just want to see the vivisteria like she and her dad had done? What was wrong with that, especially since it's able to thrive in every environment?

Her dad ushered her along though, not wanting to get involved. 


"Daddy, why wouldn't that guard let those people in?" (Y/N) asked her father as he tucked her into bed.

"Because they were fire. The staff of Garden Central Station was concerned that their flames would damage the plants," he explained.

"I'm sure they would have been careful though," (Y/N) argued.

"They didn't know that. Besides, accidents can happen, dewdrop," he told her.

"Well it's not fair that they can't see the flowers just because of the element they're made of! There should be precautions for the plants so that fire people can see them too!" (Y/N) argued, starting to cry a little bit.

Her father just looked down at her with a found smile. (Y/N) had always been very opinionated since she could talk. Pair that with high empathy and you have a very emotional and passonite girl.

"Well maybe one day you can change that. For now, sleep," he told her.

Her father turned off the light as he left the room, allowing darkness to encase it (except her nightlight in the corner of the room). (Y/N) just lay there, looking up at the ceiling with a determined look on her face.

"When I'm old enough, I'm gonna make sure fire people can see flowers," she whispered to herself before falling asleep.

Fire and Water (Male Ember Lumen x water! reader)Where stories live. Discover now