I Found A friend

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I was searching for a good friend.
In that process, I got to know many different types of people.

Someone looks honest.
Someone looks friendly.
And someone looks kind.

But in reality,
They can never be good friends.

After that, I lost all hope of finding a good friend.
Then suddenly I came to know a girl.

I thought she was just like those girls.
But still, I met her every day in a park.
Then I started thinking that she could be a good friend.

She is honest.
she is friendly.
And she is kind.

We became friends.
But, she came here for a short period.

After the summer holidays,
She went back to her real home.
And I become alone again.

But still, I will never forget her coz
She is my forever friend.

My forever friend ❤️

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Have a wonderful day 😊

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