Reality Check

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(Slightly bothered and jealous about how much Aaron seems to know Karen after only knowing her for close to 2 months thus far) Zac: How do you know who her landlord is?!

(In annoyance with the other man's entitlement) Aaron: None of your damn business. But if you must know and cost us more time in the search for Karen you kinda get to know details about a someone's personal day to day life when you are in love and are actually showing up and being there for that person day in and day out, no matter the circumstances or how tough the going gets. I guess I should be more understanding at your confusion since what I just described is something that you yourself know nothing about!

(In anger at his BS being called out and a few of his words thrown back at him dince the last time they were in this exact spit outside of the salon mere days ago feeling exposed and a wave of deja vu he angrily responds) Zac: To hell you with you Aaron! You don't understand all of me and her situation to judge it, don't forget I will fu-

Aaron: Fuck me up right?! Then do it bro, I'd truly love to see you try. To get your little midget ass bodyslammed in front of all these people again, if I have to lay hands on you again ain't nobody getting me off so I'd suggest you pipe your little narcissistic ass down. And believe it or not Zac I actually do know all of what there is to you and Karen. She told me everything from start to finish something you can actually do when there is trust involved something your ex Mamace clearly doesn't know the definition of when it comes to you or else that bullshit with her walking into Karen's apartment wouldn't have happened.

Ms. Lisa: Enough from everybody! I've been standing back as quiet as a mouse becaise I truly cannot believe this shit. Before I can even recover from learnimg my baby's shop burned down now only days later nobody can find her again and all of you wanna come at each other's necks right now of all times?! Aaron hun, you were right when you said we all needed to calm down and go to see her landlord. I know it's hard but when Zac is in his pissy immature moods you have to ignore his ass. And to you Zachary I say this with love, but please shut the fuck up. Now is not at all the time or the place. All of us, let's just head to her rental office together alright?

Danni: Maybe we really shouldn't have left that night. Like I know she asked us to but-

Sabrina: She's hurting right now y'all! She's been fucked up mentally in her head a long time that is what I was trying to find a way to get you to understand Andi. You were taking her lash out so personally as if we all ain't been in the same position all these years we done known each other. She probably felt we didn't ride as hard for her as she would have for us in the same kinda situation.

Andi: I truly am the shittiest and poorest excuse of a "best friend" in the entire world. How did Iet this happen?!

Pam: I mean I think it's pretty simple, you prioritized an assistant you just got close to mere weeks ago over your best friend of decades. Being friends with both is one thing, but you didn't balance those friendships for shit Andrea. Besides Ms. Lisa, me and Aaron have been the main ones at her side everyday being her support system. I don't know WTF kinda Sista Circle this is supposed to even be but I know I don't want no parts of it. Brina I cut you slack because you been going through a lot of legal shit. And Danni I had a feeking you were going through some things too. But it is just wild hoe the loudest ones who wanna hoop and holler ain't been doing shit for that pregnant woman to make sure she is good. It has been all me, Aaron, & her Mama. And don't even try to come for me about then curlers because that ain't what started the fire and I learned my lesson. Y'all know I'm telling the truth tho. Let's just go and see this damn landlord all I know is my girl betta be okay or there will be serious hell to pay.

(Everyone drives off together to Mr. Garcia's Office as Aaron, Pam, Sabrina, Zac, & Ms. Lisa lead the whole pack. Ms. Lisa knocks on the door and once Mr. Garcia answers he recognizes enough of Karen's loved ones to know in that moment he is gonna have to let them know what is up minus one key part of course)

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