And After All

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Author's Note:

Welcome to the second story involving my OC Belén in the Flash world (pronounced Beh-len with an extra emphasis on the second syllable, hence the accent over the 'e'; so it's Beh-lén. and not like the name Helen). This story is a Barry/OC story with a rewritten season 2 plot!

As I have said before, this is the second story involving this OC. The first story is published on my profile under the name 'It Had To Be You'. I do recommend you go read that first as it contains a lot of Belén's past concerning herself, her family, STAR Labs & Barry. You don't have to, it's just some advice! :)

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"Now Miss...?"

"Belén Palayta," the woman pushed back some of her ombre-blonde hair and did her best to keep eye contact with the older woman sitting across her. However that proved difficult as she blinked rapidly and shifted every second or so in her seat.

The older woman, a professional, jotted down what she saw without remarking. "Your friend Nina referred you to me, and I promise you I can be your utmost confidant in anything you want. If it helps-" she leaned forwards and talked in a hushed tone as if her office was open for all to hear, "-I also know Nina has these powers. She says you relate to it as well."

Belén knew her friend, Nina Clarke, would never reveal her identity to anyone. But if Nina had given the slip that she had powers - without sharing what sort of powers - Belén trusted the professional psychologist even more.

"I do," Belén nodded and once more shifted to cross her other leg instead.

"Well, where would you like to start?"

Belén looked down for a minute, and while she didn't say anything for some minutes, the psychologist jotted down the emotions across Belén's face.

"I lost...everything," Belén said after a full five minutes of silence. Teary eyed, she looked up to the waiting psychologist. "Is that possible? For someone to lose everything?"

"In central city?" the psychologist smiled. "Yes."

Belén swallowed hard. "I lost my dad, a year ago, he was murdered. And then...and then a month brother passed away. The next day my sister went to jail." She nervously played with one of her curls. "That same day my boyfriend broke up with me. Um, and...and I ended up...alone." She blinked tears away and looked at back at the psychologist. "Well...not completely alone, I guess. I became the legal guardian for my sister's four year old son. Thing is, I can't keep him unless I get out of this..." she made a gesture with her hand, "...funk, as one of my friends says it to be."

"So, is that why you're here?" the psychologist inquired. "To keep your nephew's custody?"

Belén thought about it, she truly thought about it, and in the end she gave a shake of her head. "I want to get better. I want to be better. I'm tired of feeling like this. I deserve I'm going to get better."


6 months later.

"Iris! Iris!" Four year old Axel Palayta-Meyer let the entire Central City police department hear his calls for his favorite babysitter.

Behind him was his aunt, Belén Palayta, who was trying to keep up with him while actively shushing him. Axel knew where to go and ran into the officers' desks where, effectively, he found Iris West conversing with her father, Joe West, and their friend, Cisco Ramon.

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