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Rolling myself awake, staring out the window for awhile. Admiring the beauty of the deep blue sky of dawn.

Standing to my feet pulling my arms into a stretch yawning. Walking toward my bathroom starting my morning routine.

Throwing on some black sweatpants a black t-shirt,throwing my dry frizzy hair up into a bun.I intend on fixing this before tonight,furthermore I head down stairs.

Hearing the tv before walking over seeing Cami in the living room. Watching something with animals I don't know.

"What are you doing up so earlier" causing her to jump being she hadn't seen me come down.

"Well Goodmoring to you too V damn! You scared me, nice to see you up at a decent time I see. how'd you sleep?" Cami still in her bonnet and robe turing the Tv down a bit

" Goodmoring sorry, plus im always up early on days off  so I can hit my morning jog, you know that. However I slept alright. You?" Turning into the kitchen grabbing water and a plum out the refrigerator

" I was joking, besides you only wake up for everything other than school." Sarcasm in her tone "But I slept okay, although I stayed up a bit. I don't know why I'm up so early to be honest. It's like when I'm off I'm up. When I have to go in I'm tried." Mumbling the last bit to herself

Taking a few bites out my plum

"Speaking about school are you ready? No more school for you in less than a month how's that feel?"

" Yes I am, im so over school! I feel so good really good im so tried of that place. I'm ready to escape that hell fortunately."
Cami letting out a laugh at my response,propping herself up from her where she laid.

" You really grew up on me Sovida I remember when you was the height of my kneecap. I can't believe you're a young woman now"  focusing in on me reminiscing, looking at me with a faint smile

" Yeah... I'm also going to be your little sister no matter how old I get." Lingering into the living room to nug her

" Oh I know that!" We both chuckle at her words

Clearing her throat
" Your birthday also is around the corner " informing me, I  paused

"I guess so" shrugging
My birthday wasn't that big for me I would live it like a regular day if it wasn't for Cami. She always tried to bake mom's famous cakes, and make or get me something special. I truly appreciated it but my birthday has never felt the same since 5 years ago.

" The big 18 huh" I joke at my paleness

" Yeah 18 " a quick look of worry? Goes across her face but she quickly conceals

" you okay?"

"Of  course I'm thinking of what you would even want" 

" Okay well I'm going on my jog I'll be back soon." Not fully believing her but not pressing ether. Something crossed her mind and I want know what.

Letting it go for now I  grab my water, headphones and Leaving out


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