Conflicts of emotions (Chapter-36)

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Location : In Boboiboy's room, At tokaba's Home
Time : 9:30 am

"Exactly. Those are the questions I can't answer. I don't want to answer."- Sanaya clenched her fists as a tear rolled down her check." That's why, You're gonna tell Dad and Admiral that you're the one who defeated Lisa and got her Omnikinetic power. This ring."

Boboiboy couldn't help but think, that how did it end up this way. The questions and curiousity was eating him up alive. He looks at her sister who was just tense has him. He doesn't want to give her any more tension by asking any unnecessary questions. He can clearly see in her eyes that she's not willing not answer any of this questions.

" What will I tell my friends ?"- Boboiboy asks and nods in agreement.

" Just simply lie to them that after they all got unconscious, you got your consciousness back saw I'm was about to lose, So you used you Boboiboy Supra and snatched her ring during the fight. That's it." - Sanaya briefed him and closes the box safely which has that Omnikinetic ring and put that box on the study table.

" .......hmm, Fine."- Boboiboy nods in a series tone." I'll do it."

Sanaya nods," Thank you, Boboiboy. I'll explain you everything after I'll dea---"

The door knobs turns as the door swings open and the first person Boboiboy's eyes fell on was....his dad. His eyes widened with excitement and joy as he just completely forgot what was happened till now. He immediately stand up, rushed towards his dad and jumped into his arms for a hug.

" Boboiboy ! "- Amato wide his arms open as Boboiboy jumped in his arms and hugged.

" Dad !"- Boboiboy wrapped his arms around him as he couldn't content the joy inside him." I missed you, dad."

" I missed you too, son."- Amato says, pats his head as Boboiboy released the hug and steps a step back. " How have you been ? Is everything going alright?"

" I'm doing awesome, dad !"- Boboiboy responded gladly but then his eyes out of nowhere turned towards the window.

Amato noticed what he meant to ask then pats his head again," Don't worry about moon or anything. I've dealt with that matter already. Everything is settled for now. I've made arrangements for the moon to go back to it's natural shape in 5 days only. There will be no problem."

" In 5 days?"

" Yes, I had to convince the Intergalactic association to re-create the moon back to it's orginal size and shape otherwise it's consequences might be terrible also had to explain the situation here on earth too."- Amato explained his son as they both settled down on bed." Anyway, the matter is a little bit calm for now. It was exhausting to convince both sides but it was worth it."

" I'm glad everything is going well for now,Dad."- Boboiboy smiled then his head turned towards his study table." Right, siste---". As he turned, he noticed Sanaya is already gone.

" Was Sanaya here ?"- Amato questions curiously." I haven't seen her since the minute I got on earth nor able to contact her 'cause she's not picking up my calls."

That was the moment, his all excitement fell off and that conversation with Sanaya pop up in his mind again. He glanced at that box on his study table too. He stood up without a word and pick up that box and gave it to his dad.

" What is it ?"- His Dad took the box from his hand and looks up and down between the box and Boboiboy for a moment before decided to open it but it didn't. He tried to open it yet it wasn't. Just after that, he noticed the box properly and questions quickly in surprise," Who gave you this box ?"

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