Chapter 10

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I don't own Miraculous Ladybug, please support the official release.

     Adrien and Marinette were in Marinette's room watching movies. "This snow has been going on for a while now." Marinette said.

"At this rate I'll have to dig my way home afterwards." Adrien joked.

"It's nice when we get to hangout Sugar Cube, especially with a nice runny slice of camembert at my side." Plagg said.

Tikki laughed a little. "Doesn't this snow seem unnatural?" Tikki asked.

"Not all, I've seen many snowstorms just like this." Plagg said munching on his cheese.

Suddenly the window burst open. A figure in a light blue hood with pale skin and snow white hair. "You two, give me your miraculous'." She said forming an ice spear in her hand.

"What are you...talking...about?" Marinette asked trying to play dumb.

"Don't play dumb, I know who you two are." The ice girl said.

"Marinette, what is she talking about?" Adrien asked.

"You seriously don't know, Cat Noir." The ice girl said.

Marinette audibly gasped. "Cat Noir?" Marinette said shocked.

"You too, Ladybug? Guess the secrets out." The ice girl said and went to attack them.

They quickly got out of the way and went downstairs to hide. "Marinette, you're Ladybug?" Adrien asked.

"I guess there's no hiding it now, but...yes...I am..." Marinette said.

"Woah." Adrien said in awe.

"How'd she know our secret identities?" Marinette asked.

"Let's worry about that later, for now we need to stop her. Plagg, Claws Out!" Adrien said and transformed into Cat Noir and went after her.

"Tikki, Spots On." Marinette said and followed him.

"How does she have super powers? I thought HawkMoth was on our side." Cat Noir said.

"HawkMoth could've easily lied to us." Ladybug said.

"With us knowing his secret identity, it doesn't seem likely." Cat Noir said.

"People of Paris, I am Mistress Ice. Paris will turn into a frozen wasteland if Ladybug and Cat Noir don't surrender their miraculous'." Mistress Ice said

Cat Noir tried to attack her from behind but was easily overpowered and thrown into an ice pillar, Ladybug then tried to aim at her charm bracelet thinking that the akuma was in there but Mistress Ice grabbed her yoyo and threw her into Cat Noir. "Ow...the akuma must be in her charm bracelet." Ladybug said.

"Got it." Cat Noir said and they both tried to attack Mistress Ice but she was too powerful. They were thrown into the ground and Mistress Ice loomed over them menacingly.

"Now it's time for my prize." Mistress Ice said and went to grab the earrings when suddenly a flash of purple appeared and smacked her away from Ladybug and Cat Noir.

"Are you too alright?" HawkMoth asked.

"HawkMoth?" Ladybug said.

"Looks like you too could use some assistance." HawkMoth said. Suddenly Rena Rouge, Carapace, Ryuko, Viperion, Bunnyx, King Monkey, and Pegasus appeared.

"Looks like you're heavily out matched." King Monkey said.

"Quantity does not beat Quality." Mistress Ice said. They all then attacked her all at once, the fight was more in their favor but she slowly but surely took them down one by one.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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