Chapter Nine: A Circus Mania

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Louis' Pov:

I woke up to an empty space beside me, I sighed as I figured that Harry would've gone home by now, I mean after all, he doesn't live with me, so it wouldn't be wrong of him to leave, nevertheless, i was engulfed in sadness, even though we'd only just gotten back together, the familiarity of this feeling was present.

I turned to lay on my back gazing up at the ceiling, my thoughts raced through my mind trying to find a solution on how this would work. Eventually i managed to start a train of thoughts until i heard a knock on the door, "Li?" the door then opened to reveal Harry standing there with what seemed to be a freshly baked croissant and some eggs and bacon. "Harry! i thought you left.."
"no, i woke up early so i could make you this, don't worry i cleaned up!" Harry smiled displaying his dimples. "oh uh- you hungry?" Harry awkwardly asks, i just nod as a response, he carefully placed the tray above my legs before sitting down at the edge of the bed and taking out a polaroid camera and taking a quick snap, god knows where the hell he had gotten that from. *snap.* "Harry! i look horrible!"
"no you dont!"
"yes i do! i mean look at me Haz, i couldn't even defend each other!" Harrys smile was quickly replaced with a frown, "Lou, do you really think that..?" Harry said sadly.
"y-yeah.." i said slowly, watching Harry's expression.
 "baby... you're beautiful," he said as he moved to move the tray, he carefully placed it on a table across the room before heading back to sit close to me. "Lou.." he started, i wasn't going to lie but it felt like i was back in that bakery again, back to when i was talking to him. "Lou? baby? did you hear what I said?"  shit. i must've spaced out again, "Lou?? hello??"
"huh- oh shit, sorry.. what did you say..?" i say quietly, not knowing what his response would be, "Lou, you've been doing this so often lately. is everything alright?"
"yeah I'm fine, don't worry."
"Are you sure? baby, i want you to be honest with me,"
"I'm fine." I say before getting up to go and leave the room. i felt so annoyed at myself. why. just why did i have to go off an leave the room like that, i have no idea of why I'm acting like this, it must be one of those days  i guess. 

i sat in the bathroom staring back at myself in the mirror, the bruise still hadn't fully healed, nor did the ones on my back. I felt so tired, so drained, it felt like all the happiness had been sucked out of me, like I was a completely different person.  I didn't recognise Harry either, he always looked so mad, so angry, so on edge, its like ever since I gave him that call he just changed, mentally. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door, followed by a deep familiar voice. "Louis? can i come in?" 
"yeah, the uh- the doors open." He walked in and stared up and down my body, "like what you see?" I say, remembering all the little moments we used to have before the band, he only took that as an opportunity to hug me from behind and kiss me, I wasn't going to lie, it was nice having a change of roles,  "hmm.. I've missed this.." Harry says as he rests his head in the crook of my neck, I sigh, this was it, this was what I was missing, Harry could fix all of my problems, it felt like we were unbeatable, unstoppable. "so.. i have this question,"
"mhm..?" I say still savouring the moment,
"so.. there's this circus-carnival on today, I was wondering if you wanted to go" my eyes shot open, i was filled with excitement "Really?!!" I say as i spun around to properly look at Harry,
"soooooo... does that mean yes?"
"yes!!" I say practically jumping up and down, 
"well I guess we should get ready then huh?"
"can we shower together?" i ask pouting,
"yes baby of course".

Fast-forward to arriving at the circus

Harry's pov:

We stood in line as we waited to get our tickets, the line wasn't particularly long though it was a cold night, which made it seem like a longer wait than it actually was. I stood there close to Louis holding his shivering body close to mine, I still couldn't believe what they did to him, how could someone do that I thought, before gazing down at him, i kissed the top of his head before i hugged him tightly,
"yes baby?" I say, savouring the moment,
"can we please go on the Ferris wheel?"
"of course baby, now come on its our turn" i say as we move up the line to get our tickets. 
After getting our tickets we make our way towards the entrance, I look over to Louis, where i see his eyes dart all over the Carnival ground, there, in the middle, stood the tall circus tent, I follow his eyesight towards a game stand, I've always hated these games, they were always rigged, but if it was for Louis, I'd do it. I realise that he's still looking at it after a good few minutes, so i grab his hand and ran towards it,
"come on!"
"what?? wait harry! I'm gonna fall!" he says as  we run past the blinding lights towards the stand, as we arrive, I fumbled in my pockets for my wallet, I finally found it and grab a five pound note to give to the carny.(yes that is an actual word if you didn't know) I grab the rings from the carny as i got ready to throw, I threw the first ring, it lands. huh. I thought, maybe its not that rigged.. I throw the second ring, it misses. damn, I only have three left, all I need is three lands. I threw the third ring, it lands. okay . I say to myself before throwing the fourth ring, it misses, I start to get nervous, I only have one ring left, I cant lose this I say before throwing the last and final ring, it lands. I jump up and down I couldn't believe that I won! I look over at Louis, who looks so ethereal, so beautiful, i was interrupted by the carny who looks rather amazed that i won, he asks me which prize i wanted to which i look over to louis to let him pick. He ends up picking a huge teddy bear that's almost as big as him, i laugh simply at how silly it looks, but either way, we make our way to the tent to watch the show.

We were sat about two rows from the front, the tent had already started to fill up by the time we got in, the tent was dimly lit and loud music was playing - specifically music from the movie 'The Greatest Show'. The seats we incredibly wobbly and uncomfortable, with little spaces in between. The scent of popcorn was washed across the tent's walls, Louis sat next to me holding his ridiculously huge teddy, which was pretty much blocking the isle way. After a few minutes, the whispering has subsided as a man came centre stage to greet himself as 'The Ring master' i chuckled at the name, who comes up with these names i thought, before turning my attention back to the show.  "Ladies and Gentlemen! please, welcome, Bobo the clown!" the Ringmaster shouted before stepping to the side to let the clown into centre stage. The clown entered the stage whist on a unicycle juggling, i can do that! the juggling bit anyways, i thought as i heard the crowd gasp in awe, it had a rainbow curly wig, and long white overalls with rainbow printed spots dotted across it, It had a big bulbous nose with overexaggerated features across his face, he didn't do much, all he did was dance and juggle really, before the next act came on, it was a man and a woman, they were trapeze artists it seemed, after a few minutes of jumping and tossing each other around they brought a huge gated sphere out, then came 7 motorcyclists, oh shit, i thought there's no way that they wouldn't crash! I said rather loudly getting a slight giggle from Louis before he pointed back, they were getting in the sphere, once all 7 was in they started to ride. My mouth was left gaping open as i watched them all nearly hit each other in the sphere.

 It went on for about five minutes before they all got out and the final act was coming out

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 It went on for about five minutes before they all got out and the final act was coming out. "Ladies and gentlemen... will you please welcome the last and final act.. The Dancers!"(im so sorry i forgot what they were called xD, I'm basing this off of the circus that used to come to my hometown and perform , they are called 'Gandeys Circus' and they are absolutely amazing!) Within a few seconds, a parade of Circus dancers came out dancing and doing tricks, it was absolutely amazing. After a good 15 minutes of singing the show finally ended, i look over to Louis who looks so happy, it made me happy to know that he had fun tonight, i thought before grabbing our stuff and exiting the tent.

"so? how was that?" i asked tuning my head towards Louis,
"AB.SO.LUTE.LY AMAZING! I HAVE NEVER SEEN SOME THING SO EXHILLERATING IN MY WHOLE LIFE!" he said as he started to rant about how amazing and great it was, honestly, i couldn't agree even more, it was in fact amazing, im definitely taking him back next year i thought as we slowly approached our car, Louis had finished his rant about now and trying to figure out how to fit that teddy in without it squishing him, eventually, he reluctantly put it in the backseat of our suv. We listened to music the whole way back, and by the time that we had gotten home, i had found out that Louis fell asleep, i smiled as i took out my polaroid camera from the backseat and took a picture of him, i put the picture in my pocket before i got out of the car and carried Louis and his new teddy back to our bed, i sigh as i got him out of his clothes and into what he usually sleeps in, which thankfully was his boxers. As i finish, i went over to the bathroom to brush my teeth before snuggling Louis and falling asleep aside him and his teddy.

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