The Day That Finally Came

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you woke up next to harry and he woke up as well and you both stared into each others eyes. After this went on you gave harry a kiss as he got up and went to the bathroom to change. He wore his usual pirate outfit, as you wore your usual "princess of the underworld" outfit. 

You did your normal routine for the day until about 11. You and the rest of the crew headed up to where ben was tied. Harry started to tease him.

"Enough Harry we don't want damaged goods" Uma said

Harry angriliy responded, "BUT YOU SAID I COULD HOOK HIM!!" 

Uma rolled her eyes at harry and pointed her head into your direction. Seconds later you heard a thump behind you, it was just Harry jumping down from the ropes. He walked up behind you and hugged you. 

You turned around and kissed him on the lips. You started to sway back and forth while still kissing him. 

"HEY!! LOVEBIRDS THEYRE HERE!!" Uma yelled back at you

You and Harry both went to Ben and put him on the edge of a plank as the song started. You got bored real quick and started to lean onto Harry. 

The song was practically over when they handed over the wand. Uma knew that this was a trick and wanted to see it work. To your suprise it did. 

A few second later you heard Uma call, "HARRY, Y/N!! BRING HIM OVER"

Uma and Mal did the trade and Mal's crew got good looks at you. You could see the dissapoinment on their face as they got Ben and ran away.

As soon as Uma tested it out she realized what they had really done. 

Both of the teams started to sword fight, just when you saw a glimpse of Jay teasing Harry with his hook on his sword. You ran over to Jay.

"JAY!!!!" It was weird seeing him now 

"y/n??" He plopped harry's hook in the water and Harry jumped in.

You burst into tears as you hugged Jay, feeling the comfort of him. He immediately hugged you back.

"J-Jay i'm so sorry, You were my best friend and i got so mad at you for leaving me behind" You said this while tears rolled down your face. Harry got help from Uma and climed out of the water.

Jay finally replied, "Look y/n, it's all my fault, Auradon has just made me forget about the Isle and all of the Amazing people from it.....Including you." 

you saw a tear slide down jay's face, but Mal grabbed him and pulled him through the tunnel. You slid down onto your knees sobbing, sobbing that you were never coming out of the Isle now. 

You sat on the dock for a long time and never noticed that Harry had asked you a bigillion questions. You just sat there with tears down your face and your head tucked in your legs. 

Suddenly you heard hard combat boots on the deck right next to you and decedied to look up. It was you father, squatting down to a postion where you were face to face with him.

He saw the tears on your face and with his hand he wiped them away. "Hey, hey, hey...... y/n? What happended?" He said this in a soft voice.

you voice trembeled as you said, "Dad.....Mal and the crew came and I saw Jay......He-He said he was going to take me but Auradon just made so much pop in his mind." You took a quick pause, "And-And them Mal grabbed Jay before he even got the chance to say if he could take me, and now im stuck on this stupid island forever!" 

Your dad didn't say anything more and stood you up and pulled you into a hug. Even though your father was the God of the Underworld, he was as soft as he could ever be. 

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