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Y/n the daughter of Hades was one of the most feared people on the Isle. All except for Mal and her crew. Unlike Mal Y/n had bright (h/l) blue hair. 

You were best friends with Uma and her crew. Especially Harry, son of Hook. You two were like peas in a pod. You both always loved to cause mischeive when you were little. And you've always had a crush on him. 

One day you were hanging out with Mal and her crew when your mother scared away mutiple children.

"Mal, sweetie I have got SUCH a surprise for you! You get to go to Auradon!"

You were shocked at this, and asked your mother, "Mother? May I come I have always dreamed of going to Auradon!"

"Of course you can't you little rat!" Your mother snapped back at you.

"Well i'm not going to a place filled with prissy pink princesses unless y/n can go!"

"Well!!! Your going anyways! pack your stuff your leaving today!"

You stood there in shock while all the other kids moped away going to pack there stuff. All of a sudden you were flung into the air and caught by Harry.

"How are ye doing Lassie?" Harry said while baring his teeth.

"Not well," you pouted, "I really want to go to Auradon but mother won't let me!"

"Well at least you have the squad" Harry said while walking away

While he was walking away Jay came over

"Hey! when we have the chance we defiantly will come and pick you up and bring you!"


"Yeah! Of course!" Jay walked away and you were ecstatic as you walked to Ursula's fish and chips

You burst open the doors to the shoppe and spot harry as he runs up to you and hugs you.

"What's your news for us?" Uma asks.


"but they just left" Uma explained

"WHAT????? THEY SAID THEY WOULD TAKE ME" you felt rage flow through out your body as you turned the TV on and threw food at it.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, princess, we can get revenge on them" Harry calmly explained

"Yes, Thats exactly what i need"  

Harry hook x Reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now