2. Asmodeus

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TW: Body Betrayal 

The scream forced out of this gorgeous girl's throat as she went completely limp was music to my ears. The moment Mammon pulled her through that portal, I could smell the arousal on her. She was masturbating, or being pleasured, before he dragged her to Hell. She didn't have the afterglow, though and that was a problem. I could feed off of all the lust in a room; except my brothers'; but afterglow was a shot of adrenaline to my body. All I did was take her small dose of lust and multiply it. The small whimpers and tightening of her jaw during my teasing was a beautiful symphony to my depraved ears. The teasing made her pass out from overload. I could only imagine was my cock could do to that sweet smelling pussy.

Lucifer dropped her into my arms, and I cuddled her close to my chest, feeding on the lust I pulled out of her. Thank you to whoever edged her because that orgasm would feed me for days! Humans normally don't feed me this much since, as the king of lust demons, I fed off my fledglings. Demons were much more powerful than lowly humans but this girl... this woman... She was everything. I would definitely be feeding off of her again. Soon.

"Where did you find this delicious girl?" I asked Mammon. Her thighs were soaking wet from her own juices and the smell alone had me rock solid inside my pants. 

Mammon, the shiny King of Greed, ripped the goddess from my arms. I made the move to follow until I noticed some of her juices on my forearm. Not one to waste, I licked it off and instantly regretted it. I would need another taste. A better taste. She was so sweet. Her cream was to me as ice cream is to a brokenhearted girl. I didn't bother trying to hide my groan. "Give her back," I growled.

"No. She's mine." Mammon stuck his tongue out at me like a child as he carried my prize away to his throne. "I brought her here."

"Why did you bring her here?" All faces turned towards Lucifer who was back on his throne as though he had no care in the world. I knew different. His shoulders were tight, his wings were fluttering behind him, and his fingers were tapping against the arm of his throne. My brother was stressed with a capital S. Why?

The only part of Mammon's body that was not gold were his teeth and they were on full display as he smiled at Lucifer. "You bet me that God didn't care about the humans anymore. I found one that he still does care about."

Sorry?! God cared about this human? How did he mean? Who is she? Why is she deserving of special treatment from "the Almighty"?

"First of all, I did not 'bet' you. I told you that God doesn't care anymore. There were no stipulations. And second, you brought a favored child of God to Hell?!" Lucifer lifted from his throne, flying over it with his wings spread wide. "You brought a human with God's protection here?" Lucifer was the King of Pride and he thought he was intimidating, but really, he was annoying. King of Pride did not make him King of Hell. There were seven thrones in this room. His throne just happened to be in the middle which made Luc feel like he was more important than the rest of us. He's not. Also, while the remaining six of us had demon forms, Wings McGee over there only had wings. So scary.

For once I agreed with him though. Greed just put a target on my Goddess's back. All of us, the Sins, will want her strictly as a 'fuck you' to God and the angels. The angels will try to declare war with us because Mammon, the idiot, stole their favorite human.

Speaking of the human... Her orgasm was absolutely amazing and definitely took a lot out of her but she's still sleeping. Completely relaxed in Mammon's lap. She should still be in my lap. "Did I break her? Why is she still passed out?" My voice came out more excited than I intended but my ego is going to shoot through the roof if all it took for her to lose consciousness was my voice and grazes of my fingers.

"I kept her asleep." The voice of Belphegor, King of Sloth, deflates my ego quick. I must not have hidden my deflation fast enough. "Did you think you made her cum that hard? You're not capable of it."

I am the King of fucking Lust! I could make a human cum and then pass out for hours if they needed to. "Wake her up! Watch me!" I stalked towards Mammon with the intent to pull her out of his arms. "If my voice and the tips of my fingers did that? Watch what I can do with my mouth or my cock!" She was limp and pliable as I sat on my throne with her on my lap. I wrapped her arms around my neck and fixed her legs so that she straddled me. "Come on, Lazy. Wake her up."

Slowly, her head lifts from my furry chest and forest green eyes meet mine. "Hello, Love." My voice has a low purring undertone meant to relax her mind and body. The smirk gracing her cheeks makes my cock bob against her bare pussy in my clothing. Groaning, she tilts her head back as she rubs herself against me. She's going to make herself cum just from sitting on my lap. I look over to my brother, Sloth, shooting him a sly wink. I press my snout against her neck as I whisper, "you need help, pretty girl? Or should I just sit here?"

The human's moans become louder as she starts to move her hips faster, riding me as best as she can with my pants in her way. "Honestly, just say random words and I'll probably drown this whole room in my cum."

"I could clean you up afterwards." I run the claws of my left paw under her shirt and over her back. Softly, I scrape them against her spine so that they don't cut her pretty pale skin. Using my right hand on her hips, I guide her to press harder against me. "I could use my tongue to clean up every drop of you. Or I could switch forms. Become a human just like you so you could ride my cock like I know you want to." With every word, her moans become louder and her movements spastic. She's close. "I would fuck you so good, sweet girl. And I could go for hours. Never stopping until you've said you've had enough. Even then, I probably wouldn't stop." Small whimpers are starting to sound in her throat. She's right on the precipice of another major orgasm. Is she fighting her release again? "You don't want a human cock though, do you? No, my goddess wants my monster cock. You want me to fill you up and stretch you? It'll hurt so good."

"I need permission." The words are mumbled so I almost don't hear them, even with my supernatural abilities. But once they register? I'm on the verge of orgasming with her. I've got a sweet little submissive in my lap, riding me as hard as she can, waiting for a magic word.

This could be so much fun. "Beg me for it."

"Please!" Tears are starting to form in the corners of her eyes. "Please say it! I need it! Please, Beast!"

I growl out the word, watching as her hands fist in the fur around my neck. Her scream pierces the throne room, echoing off the high ceiling. My pants become soaked with her juices while she rides the waves of her orgasm. Leaning her cheek against my chest, her gyrating body slows to a stop. I push my paws through her hair letting the claws massage her scalp. Within seconds, her soft snores fill the space around us. The smirk on my face being shown to my brothers hides the tremendous amount of triumph I feel just holding on to her. I could be fed for a year with how strong her orgasm was just now. And that wasn't even with my cock inside her? Yeah, she's my goddess now. My Beauty. My Love. Mine.

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