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In a dimly lit, cluttered room hidden away from prying eyes, an enigmatic hooded figure prepared to delve into the shadowy depths of the digital world. The room was a chaotic mix of high-tech gadgetry and vintage computer relics, with an aura of secrecy permeating the air.

The only source of light emanated from multiple computer screens, casting eerie, shifting shadows across the room. The raven clad figure sat in an ergonomic chair, their face obscured, an emblem of their clandestine identity. Their laptop's screen bathed the hacker's face in an eerie teal glow, reflecting off their glasses with a subtle, neon tint. 

The hacker's fingers dance over the mechanical keyboard with lightning speed, their long, nimble nails clicking rhythmically against the keys. Lines of code scrolled across one screen while another screen revealed a complex network of proxy servers and encrypted connections.

The pixilated, jumbling characters rephrased into the true nature of the encoded email:

Gardner, I have managed to find an informant in Wyad who can help with our investigation on the disappearance of Agent Radius Rose. I will be meeting him at the RE Privet Museum at Exhibit 7 at 2:30 PM.
Your's faithfully, Agent Scarlet Rose.


Yor and Zereph got to the museum at two o'clock. They positioned the decoy at Exhibit 7 before setting up their base at the security office at two, giving Cody access to the building and monitoring the Exhibit 7 like their lives depended on it. The plan was great, the plan was full proof and its worst possible outcome would be a huge win for them. Zereph had to give Yor that. And yet, he had that sinking feeling. His intuition was telling him that something was not right, and it was very rarely wrong. It was the intuition that he had developed after fighting and ruling the underworld for a decade and he had quickly learned to trust it. It was the same unease he felt when he was jumping head first into enemy territory, the terror of realizing he might be seeing his second in commands or even his small fries for the very last time.

Yor sat perched at the table, her eyes glued to the monitor like an eagle. Her hair was tied back in her usual braid, showcasing her striking features, and her fingers moved swiftly over the keyboard as she worked diligently on the computer. 

Her sharp, angular almond eyes narrowed as she noticed Zereph's lingering gaze. Her patience running thin, she turned to him, her voice dripping with anger, 'What the hell are you looking at?'

 With a wry smile on his lips, Zereph leaned back in his chair and met her gaze with a mixture of amusement and disdain. "Just admiring the lengths you'll go to get your boyfriend, princess. Bribing to get into the security room, hacking into the museum cameras, hiring hit men to secure the perimeter...All quite mafia like, won't you agree, Ms. Law and Order?'  he quipped, his words laced with a hint of bitterness.

Yor rolled her eyes, her scarlet hair practically aflame with indignation. As always, her cheeks were puffed out and her face flushed, her eyes as bright and expressive as ever. She was too gorgeous to look threatening when annoyed. 

"Snap out of it, you idiot! She ruined your life! And we set some boundaries here!"

'I am sorry...'  Zereph said, sitting upright which made Yor's eyebrows cock in surprise 'We had an agreement. Pure professionalism. No more "princess" or "sweetheart" calling, I assure you Agent Scarlet Rose.'

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