(Chapter7) THE DATE :]

17 0 4

( YES IK /E SHOCKED 😱😱😱😱😱)

( help I started this September 20th and now I'm working on it AND RESPECT THE GACHA LIFE 2 DESIGNS :33 )

Reds p.o.v :

It was somewhat midnight and we were at McDonald's , yea pretty weird in my opinion,  but anyways I saw my friend Orange " Orange , YOU WORK AT MICKY D'S " I said " oh hi red :D " he said " pretty cool to see two friends meet eachother " my bf said. There was awkward silence until Orange said " so whatcha wanna order :3 " Orange said " NUGGIES " i said 

 There was awkward silence until Orange said " so whatcha wanna order :3 " Orange said " NUGGIES " i said 

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There was more silence and I was waiting for cyan to order something " BAE JUST ORDER SOMETHING >:(" I said until that made EVEN LONGER SILENCE... " wait... you pulled??" Orange said " no s### Sherlock " I said back " says the one who has -1 iq just like me " he said back, " ok I know what to order " cyan said " A caramel Frappuccino with a mcflurry and some fries" , " took ya long enough " I said jokingly " wait u sure u can pay that" Orange said " yea I can " cyan said 

(( 5 minutes later because DA FOOD WAS GETTING DONE 🤭🤭😋😋😇😇🤪🤪😝😝))

We decided to take the food home since McDonald's would close soon and we were walking to my house 


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