Cassette: Part I

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There was a surprising amount to do within the little basin that you now call home. Other than preparing firewood, you also helped replant trees, combed the beach for pieces of flint or rock to make tools or supplies from, and conducted regular maintenance on the cabin. Sometimes, you even created additional chores to do depending on how bored you allowed yourself to get, like counting the number of trees that surrounded the encampment or rocks that lined the pool of the waterfall.

Before you knew it, the days turned into weeks, and you were fast approaching the end of your first month of your stay in this tiny, quiet world. You had fallen into a comfortable routine, and with Airy you felt like there was nothing the two of you couldn't do. Your love of his company only grew with each passing week, and judging by the frequency at which his cheeks would flush every time he saw you or made you laugh or smile, you had an inkling he felt the same.

His touch was a lot less reserved now. At your fireside chats, he would rather place himself at your side than on the log across from you, his hand grazing yours as it rested on the log as you whiled the night away with stories and plans for the future.

On days where the sun didn't shine as bright and nights were colder than the rest, you would wake up to a tap on your shoulder and the gleam of a small, flickering flame mere inches from your face. It was then Airy would meekly inform you of his night terrors, and request to sleep at your side in a voice so small it was barely a whisper.

You obliged every time.

On your side, your breath would quicken slightly as he shifted into place behind you and the heat from his flame warmed the back of your head. Slowly, you would feel his arms begin to snake their way around your waist and pull you in tight, and damn that pesky flame of his for heating your cheeks ever so. After he was settled you would take his free hand and grasp it tight, hoping that it would offer him a little extra peace of mind.

You both would then drift off to sleep with the gentlest of smiles etched on both of your faces.


You headed into the cabin one afternoon after a hard day of chopping up tree trunks into smaller pieces for the fire pit with the intention of asking for Airy's help on bringing the lot of it in. He had been at this for much longer than you, and as such you found yourself asking for his help on these sorts of heftier tasks a lot of the time. It took you by surprise at first when you saw just how strong he was despite his fragile appearance.

To your dismay, he was nowhere to be found, though the sunlight illuminated something on the table that hadn't been there before. It was small, but as you approached you started to make out the details of what exactly it was.

... It was a little wooden figure carved in your likeness. Despite its size, it was incredibly detailed – everything down to the very pose the figure was making was so very lifelike! You picked up the little figurine carefully, too captivated by the piece to notice that Airy had appeared in the doorway.

"Oh. You're back." The lamp's voice cut through the silence and startled you slightly, causing you to whip around to face him with wide eyes and your hand over your heart.

"Sorry-! I... didn't mean to scare you." He held his hands up in mock surrender, and you released the breath you didn't know you were holding.

"No, it's fine, I just didn't hear you come in." You turned your attention back to the little figure in your hands.

"What... is this?" The question sounded pretty dumb considering it was pretty obvious what the figure was supposed to be, but you couldn't help but ask it anyways.

"I... wanted to make you something to show you how much I've, uh... liked... having you here. I finished it a while ago, but then I figured I should save showing it to you for a special occasion. And, well, it's... been two months since you got here, so..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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